

Research on Problems of the Plotting Co-principal

【作者】 崔小芳

【导师】 柳忠卫;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文所探讨的共谋共同正犯是日本刑法共同犯罪理论中特有的概念,它虽然是日本判例确立的概念,但在学术界却存在颇多争论。本文在详细考察日本、德国、韩国、我国大陆及台湾地区刑法对共谋共同正犯基本立场的基础上,对共谋共同正犯进行了较为全面、系统、深入的研究,阐述了共谋共同正犯的理论基础,并对其刑事责任及其他一些相关问题作了必要的研究。这不仅完善了我国刑法共同犯罪理论,还对我国刑事立法、司法实践具有不容忽视的指导意义。本文除前言外共分四个部分。前言,简单介绍了有关共谋共同正犯的理论,共谋共同正犯是日本判例确立的概念,这一概念确立后,其影响逐步扩大到韩国及我国台湾地区,近年来我国大陆地区也有部分学者开始主张采用共谋共同正犯这一概念。第一章,共谋共同正犯概述。本章首先考查了各国学者对共同正犯概念的不同认识,介绍了共同正犯的概念、法律性质及成立条件,接着分析了共谋共同正犯的概念及研究意义。第二章,共谋共同正犯的理论基础。本章深入分析了日本刑法关于共谋共同正犯的共同意思主体说、间接正犯类似说、目的的行为支配说、优越支配共同正犯说及价值的行为说,德国刑法关于共谋共同正犯的主观说、综合理论、“继续发挥作用”说及犯罪事实支配理论,我国台湾地区刑法对共谋共同正犯的基本立场,并在此基础上详细地阐述了共谋共同正犯的理论基础及其成立条件。第三章,共谋共同正犯与相关共犯形态的关系。本章在详细分析了间接正犯、教唆犯以及帮助犯的内容的基础上,重点介绍了共谋共同正犯与间接正犯、教唆犯以及帮助犯的联系和区别。第四章,共谋共同正犯的刑事责任。本章首先介绍了共同正犯刑事责任的学说及原则,进而分析了共谋共同正犯的刑事责任。

【Abstract】 The issue of plotting co-principals discussed in the article is a unique concept in the Japanese theory of joint crime .It was created in Japanese leading case, but it has been disputed in the academic world. On the basis of the detailed investigation of the basic attitudes towards plotting co-principals in Japan, German, Korea and Chinese criminal law, the article makes a well-rounded, systematic and deep analysis, which not only expands its theoretical foundations, but also its criminal liability and some other questions. So it improves the Chinese theory of joint crime, guides our criminal legislation and judicial practice.The article includes five parts. Among the preface, the author briefly introduces the theory of plotting co-principals and the reasons of research on it.Part one is the basis theory of plotting co-principals. The author firstly introduces the theory of principal and accomplice, so expands the concept, quality and conditions of principal. Secondly explores the present situation and the significance of plotting co-principals.Part two is the theoretical foundations of plotting co-principals. On the basis of the detailed investigation of the basic attitudes towards plotting co-principals in Japan, German, Korea and Chinese criminal law, the article dwells on the theoretical foundations and the conditions of plotting co-principals.Part three is the relationship between plotting co-principals and other accomplices. This part discusses the differences and relationships between plotting co-principals and indirect principal, instigator and accessory.Part four is the criminal liability of plotting co-principals, this part analyses criminal liability of plotting co-principals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期