

The Research on U.S. Title Insurance System

【作者】 李跃

【导师】 梁慧星;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在美国高度发达的市场经济环境下,不动产市场和保险市场有着及其紧密的联系。无论是灾难保险还是产权保险,都是不动产交易中典型需要的保险类型。在不动产交易中,产权质量是当事人首要关注的问题。美国不完善的产权记录体系推动产权保险人来整合产权调查和其它产权交易服务工作。产权保险在审慎的产权调查之后可以为业主或贷款人提供保护以对抗保单签发之前就已经存在的产权瑕疵。美国整个产权保险行业通过推动二级抵押市场的发展已在美国整个大经济环境中表演着,而且持续表演着至关重要的角色,从而保证美国成为世界上私有住房拥有率最高的国家之一。产权保险制度产生并一直盛行于美国,已经有100多年的历史。近年来,在英美法系国家,产权保险制度得到了较大的推广,另外,这项制度已经逐步渗透到了欧洲传统的大陆法系国家,以及部分前社会主义国家。所以,外国学者(尤其是美国)对该项制度的理论和实务研究水平是相当高的。反观国内,因为种种原因,我国学者对产权保险制度染指很少,成果不多。因此,有必要对美国产权保险制度作细致而深入的研究。本文共分成五章。第一章介绍了美国产权保险制度的历史演进。该章首先从产权保险制度产生原因入手,分析了美国多种产权保证方式的区别;然后总结出产权保险产生的历史必然性;最后概括论述了产权保险制度诞生、全国化、国际化的三个发展阶段。第二章介绍了美国产权保险制度的几个基本内容。首先,该章明确了产权保险的概念,即产权保险本质上是一种赔偿合同,而非某些人想当然认为的一种保证合同;然后,该章在对产权保险避免风险功能、信息功能、服务功能、分散风险功能进行详细探讨的基础上,指出产权保险能够有效地明确不动产产权状况、增强产权适销性和融资性、提高产权交易效率,并推动美国二级抵押市场的发展;产权保险人开展业务的基本流程包括创建和维护产权链、接受投保、进行产权调查、提交产权报告、签发正式保单等阶段。该章最后对其中最为重要的产权调查、产权报告和产权链等三个概念进行了详细的介绍和研究。第三章介绍了美国产权保险合同的基本要素。这些合同组成要素包括保险标的、保险当事人、保险承保范围、保险期间、保险费、保险金额、保险责任七个方面。该章指出,保险标的不是交易产权的完整,而是产权报告的准确性;明确产权保险范围是正确理解产权保险合同的关键所在;产权保险合同的目的在于维护当事人的产权利益,所以保险人主要以保护产权的方式承担保险责任。最后,该部分还介绍了ALTA统一保单的相关内容。第四章介绍了美国产权保险制度的基本特征。产权保险与一般P/C保险(财产和意外险)相比有自己独特之处。该章通过运用对比分析的方法归纳了产权保险制度的特色。包括:保险功能的多样性、承保瑕疵的追溯性、合同形式的地域性与统一性、保费费率确定的非精算、保费缴纳的一次性和使用的前置性、承担保险责任方式的选择性、保险期间的无限制性、保险合同转让区别性、产权保险监管的州立性、保险公司业务内容的单一性、产权保险市场的相对集中性等。第五章介绍了美国产权保险制度国际化的内容。首先,该章介绍了美国产权保险制度国际化现状,指出产权保险日益国际化的趋势;其次,该章介绍了美国产权保险制度国际化的主要原因;第三,该章归纳了国际化产权保险的基本特征;最后,该章通过对比美国产权保险制度在普通法系国家、大陆法系国家和前社会主义国家的开展和应用,分析了产权保险国际化的前景,并提出了作者个人见解。本文综合运用了比较法学、经济学、社会学等多种研究方法,在充分占有国内外产权保险制度研究成果的基础上,对美国产权保险制度进行了尝试性的研究。但无可避免的是,由于笔者掌握的研究资料毕竟有限,加之法学理论水平的限制,本文存在很多不足之处,还望学界前辈和后来者批评指正。本文目的和意义就在于通过比较完整地介绍美国产权保险制度的内容,以希望笔者对美国产权保险制度研究的“一小步”能够引起理论和实务界对这项制度重视的“一大步”,并期望有更多学者在借鉴美国产权保险制度的成功经验的基础上,结合我国实际,对此项制度在我国房地产市场上的应用前景作出进一步深入探讨。能够对完善我国不动产交易市场法律制度建设有所借鉴,便是笔者最大心愿。

【Abstract】 In today’s U.S. highly developed market economy environment, the real estate and insurance markets enjoy a close relationship. Both hazard insurance and title insurance are typically required to close a real estate transaction. In a real estate transaction, quality of title is a major concern. Poor organization of public record lead U.S. title insurers to integrate title examination and settlement services. Title insurance provides protection to the owner and/or lender against defects in public records occurring before the date of the policy after a thorough title search. The title industry has played, and continues to play, a critical role in the U.S. economy by facilitating the growth of the secondary mortgage market, thus enabling Americans to have one of the highest home ownership rates in the word.Title insurance has become a universal instrument for real estate transactions in the U.S. for more than 100 years and has the increasing importantance in other countries. In general, there are many published literatures on title insurance abroad. On the contrary, Chinese scholars have no willing to study title insurance for some reasons. So, it is time for us to do something about this subject.This thesis is divided into five parts.The first part is about the historical development of U.S. title insurance system. Beginning with the reasons for the occurrence of U.S. title insurance system, we can know the differences of many title assurance measures in U.S.. Then this part includes the historical inevitability of the occurrence of U.S. title insurance system. At last, this part general analyses the historical evolution phases of U.S. title insurance system.The second part is about the general theory of U.S. title insurance system. First, this part makes true the concept of U.S. title insurance system. Title insurance is a contract of indemnity rather than a contract of guarantee as is sometimes assumed. Secondary, this part discusses the function and the effect of U.S. title insurance system. Finally, this part introduces the matters about title search, title report and title plant. The third part is about the basic elements of U.S. title insurance contract. These elements include the subject matter, the parties and relating people, the coverage, the insurance period, the premium, the indemnity and the insurance liability. This part points out that the subject matter is not the integrity of title but the veracity of title report. It is very important to understand the contract accurately that the parties of title insurance contract must understand the coverage and the insurance liability fully. In the end, this part introduces the ALTA uniform policies.The forth part is about the analysis of characteristics of U.S. title insurance system. Title insurance has unique characteristics compared with other P/C(property/casualty) insurance. These characteristics include the diversity of the function of title insurance, the retrospective defect in insurance coverage, the territorialism and oneness of the form of contract, the non-actuarial insurance rate, the one-off premium, the selectivity of the forms for bearing insurance liability, the unlimited insurance period, the distinctness of transfer of policy, the Monoline insurance, the relatively concentrated insurance market and so on.The five part is about the analysis of internationalization of U.S. title insurance system. First, this part discusses the outline of internationalization of U.S. title insurance system and points out that there is a growing demand for title insurance from the international market. Second, this part introduces the reasons about the internationalization of U.S. title insurance system. Third, this part concludes the characteristics of international title insurance. Finally, this part analysis the prospect of international title insurance system and advances the author’s viewpoint by contrasting the application of U.S. title insurance system in common law countries, continental law countries and former socialist countries.Because the research on title insurance is of no boundary, the opinions of the author need to be further studied. But the author will fell satisfied if this thesis would make contribution to the theoretical study and the practical realm of the title insurance of our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】F847.12
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】216