

The Research of Collecting Mechanism of Higher Schools

【作者】 马玲

【导师】 李芹;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO,教育特别是高等教育市场逐渐对国外开放,国际化要求大学以更加开放的姿态对外交流,把握国际科技前沿,加强与国外著名大学的科研合作。同时,国际化为我国大学借鉴世界各地大学的办学经验提供了方便,从而少走弯路,缩短由弱变强的摸索期。充足的办学经费是顺利实现我国研究型大学发展总体目标的基础和保障。由于大学的公益性特征,世界各国通常把它作为制度性准公共物品提供者来进行管理,一方面给予大学或接受大学教育者一定的财政支持,另一方面从政策上鼓励社会各界资助大学教育。随着市场经济的发展,在我国单纯依靠政府的财政拨款,已经不能满足大学的经费支出和进一步发展。政府已无力承担高等教育快速发展对投资的巨大需求,完全依靠政府拨款的单一投资体制已不现实。而且单靠政府的财政拨款,不利于学校间竞争机制的形成和发展,更不利于学校提高自身的融资能力,起不到“造血”的功能。这必然要求政府拨款制度要随之发生相应的调整。高等教育费用承担成本逐渐由政府负担转向政府、学校、社会和学生个人分摊。由于学校、家庭的局限性,如何挖掘社会资源成为高校面临的一个重要问题。本文以中国几多高校为个案,从社会资本角度尝试性地探讨在中国的特殊背景下高校如何运用社会资源推动高校的可持续发展,有助于丰富该领域的理论研究,同时为高校募捐提供借鉴。本文共分五部分,第一章“导论”,介绍了选题的背景、意义和方法,并对社会捐赠的概念进行了界定,同时对国内外有关高校社会捐赠的研究进行了梳理。第二章“教育捐赠的历史由来”,介绍了教育捐赠的演变及意义,并对高校教育资金来源的不同阶段做了说明。第三章“高校募捐机制”,本文是从社会资本的角度对高校的募捐机制进行分析,所以在本章开始对有关社会资本的研究进行描述。紧接着以中国的几所高校为例,从组织机制、激励机制、管理机制和监督机制四方面建构起高校的募捐机制。第四章“组织对环境适应的能动性”,运用新制度主义的资源依赖理论解释了高校面临外界环境的变化如何适应形势运用外界资源为高校服务的。事实说明高校在面临外部环境的变化遵循了法律、政府和社会的合法性,并运用关系运作和法制手段建立与加强了与社会捐赠主体之间的信任,增强了学校的社会资本。第五章“探讨与总结”,指出了目前高校募捐在资金的保值增值及监督机制方面存在的问题,并提出相应的解决对策。

【Abstract】 As our country joins in World Tourism Organization (WTO), education, especially higher education, has been opened to the world gradually. The international ask the universities in to be more opened to the world, catch the frontier of the science and technology, and co-operate with famous universities in the world. Meanwhile, it is more convenient for universities in our country to learn the experiences, and be stronger shortly. The enough outlay is the safeguard and basement for the universities in our country to became that researchful ones. Due to the properties of commonweal, the universities are treated as the common properties to be administered by the governments. The governments support the university and the people by economy partially, and encourage all the society to imburse them. As the development of the market orientation economy, it has been not enough for payout and development for universities in our county, which are only supported by the appropriate founds given by the government. The rapidly development for the higher education have disabled the government to support them, and it has been not real for the university to supported only by the government which has been a block for the competition to come to be being and develop, and disable the financing of universities. It has been necessary for the government to be modulated by itself. The expenditure for the higher education should be apportioned to be charged by the government, university and the students. Due to the limitation of the university and family, it has been an issue for the higher school to get the wealth from the society. In this work, using several universities in our country for cases, we try to discuss how the higher school to develop continuably in the special surroundings of our country from the society wealth points. We believe this work is helpful for the theory research in this regime and for the collectors for the higher schools.There are five chapters in this work. Chapter one, "preface", introduces why this theme should be researched, what the methods is used in the thesis, and what concepts are in the thesis, meanwhile, we also review the relevant study of social donation at present. Chapter two, "the history of donation towards education" introduces the evolvement and significance of the donation towards education and describes the different phases of education fund provided. Chapter three, "the collection mechanism of the institution of higher learning", analyzes the collection mechanism of the institution of higher learning from the angle of social capital, so the relevant research about social capital are introduced firstly, then the collection mechanism of the institution of higher learning is also introduced by taking several schools in china as cases, focusing on the mechanism of the organization, inspiration mechanism, administration mechanism and supervisation mechanism. Chapter four, "the motility of organization towards the surroundings", explains how schools make use of the resources to develop them by using relevant theories of neo-institutionalism when the surroundings change. The facts indicate that schools accept the validity of the law, administration and society when facing the change of surroundings, and enhance the social capital of the schools and trust between the schools and the donators by using of relations and laws. Chapter five "discussion and summarization" reveal the questions about the fund and the supervisation mechanism,and give correlative measures.

【关键词】 募捐机制社会捐赠社会资本
【Key words】 collection mechanismsocial donationsocial capital
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期