

Research on Development Strategy of Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry

【作者】 马志德

【导师】 汪波;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中医药是中华民族在与疾病长期斗争的过程中积累的宝贵财富,其有效实践和丰富知识中蕴涵着深厚的科学内涵。当今医学从生理医疗模式向社会医疗模式的转变、回归自然的号召和东西方文化的交融都为中药产业的发展提供了广阔空间。但是传统中医药对生命与疾病现象的解读难以为现代社会普遍理解和接受,中药物质基础和作用机理等现代研究一直没有突破,制约了中药现代化、国际化的进程。机会与挑战同时摆在中药产业面前,开展发展战略研究成为具有现实性和迫切性的课题。本文首先溯源中药历史,回顾了由远古草创到近现代的发展,进而直面关于中医药科学性问题的争论,在肯定中医药历史贡献、主张尊重传统中医药学的同时,强调面向世界,与时俱进,积极吸收现代科学技术成果,多背景、多方法研究中药,加快产业发展,满足民众健康需要,为世界药学做出贡献。本文接下来运用环境分析法对与中药产业发展相关因素展开实证研究。通过对大量事实的描述和对政府政策的列举与诠释,对中药资源、国内国际市场、技术趋势和新药开发、中药产业的经济形势都作了专门的较为深入的分析研究。在专题研究的基础上,聚焦中药产业发展战略提出综合性建议,并进而对做优做强天津市中药产业和中药企业健康发展提出了具体建议。将产业历史研究、理论争鸣与对产业发展战略诸要素的研究相融合,廓清中药产业从古代文化遗产到现代产业的发展路径,是本文的创新之处。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a valuable treasure accumulated from Chinese nation’s struggle with various diseases in the long history. Its effective application and rich knowledge contain profound scientific meaning. The present medicine’s transition from psychological medical model to social medical model, the call to return nature, as well as the combination of oriental and western cultures, provides a wide space for the development of TCM industry. But the explanation of traditional Chinese medicine on our human’s life and various diseases can’t be widely accepted and understood by modern society. The modern study of TCM’s material basis and mechanism hasn’t got breakthrough progress, which restricts the progress of TCM modernization and internationalization. TCM industry is facing both opportunities and challenges simultaneously. Thus developing a strategic study becomes a practical and urgent issue.This article firstly traced back TCM’s history, reviewed its development from far ancient emptiness to the near and modern times, and then face various controversies about scientific issues of TCM, recognized the historical contribution of TCM in history, advocated respecting TCM, at the same time, emphasize to face the world and go ahead with time, introduce energetically the results of modern scientific technologies, study TCM on multiple background and through various methods, expedite its development, meet the demand of our health, contribute to world pharmaceutical industry.The article then began empirical study on various related factors of TCM industry development, through environmental analysis. By stating substantial facts, as well as listing and explaining various governmental policies, the article made specific and deep analysis of and investigation on TCM resources, domestic and overseas market, technology trend as well as new drug development, economic position of TCM industry. Based on this specific investigation, and focusing on development strategy of TCM industry, this article brought forward some material suggestions.Combining the study of the history of an industry with various theories, as well as the investigation of various factors related with industry development strategy, outlining the development route of TCM development from ancient culture heritage to modern industry, is the unique of this article.

【关键词】 中药战略市场技术
【Key words】 Traditional Chinese MedicineStrategyMarketTechnology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.72
  • 【下载频次】411