

Study on Reinforced Crumb Rubber Concrete Simple Beam and the Frame’s Earthquake-resistant

【作者】 李成芳

【导师】 朱涵;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 橡胶集料混凝土又称为弹性混凝土,它是一种环保的新型建筑材料。橡胶集料混凝土以其特有的抗裂性、稳定性、耐腐蚀和疲劳寿命长等特性,再加上一些有说服力的工程实践,已经在道路铺设等领域取得了一席之地。如果在建筑结构中加以利用,与普通混凝土相比的明显优势便是其较好的延性性能。我们关心的问题是:与普通混凝土相比,在结构中应用橡胶集料混凝土,在不增大截面面积和不增加配筋的情况下,其承载力会不会大幅度降低,其较好的延性性能主要体现是什么?本文所作的研究是依据前人的橡胶集料掺量为100kg/m~3 ~150kg/m~3的橡胶集料混凝土的一系列材性实验和一些现有的文献成果进行的。基于普通混凝土的理论基础,采用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS对两组分别用普通混凝土和橡胶集料混凝土制作的共四根钢筋混凝土简支梁进行了全面分析和比较。每组的两根梁截面不同、配筋率相同。探讨了强度等级为C35的橡胶集料钢筋混凝土梁的正截面受弯承载力极限值,同时,还得出了其挠度延性系数、塑性铰长度、截面曲率延性系数和受压区高度等的值,并与相同强度等级的普通混凝土进行了比较。得出了将橡胶集料混凝土用于受弯构件,会带来较好延性的结论。论文最后,针对两种用不同材料制作的框架,一种是全部用普通混凝土,一种是横梁用橡胶集料混凝土而柱仍用普通混凝土,采用规范法对其抗震性能进行了初步的对比研究。得出了部分延性构件采用橡胶集料混凝土会明显改善结构延性的结论。

【Abstract】 Crumb Rubber Concrete (CRC) which is also called Elastic Concrete, is a kind of environmental material. CRC shows a characteristic of being high in ductility, energy absorption and larger compressive failure strain. In comparison to controlled concrete, CRC exhibits a higher value of strain energy. There have been lots of convictive projects in the field of road building.On the assumption of making it to building structure, the CRC should put up perfect ductility. With the same cross-section area and the same ratio of reinforcement, will the limit of bearing capacity be smaller. Which aspects will show better ductility?Based on a series of material experiments and some existing document results, through ANSYS (analysis software), this paper makes a full analysis and comparison of two groups of reinforced beams made up by different kind of concrete. The concretes be used have the same compressive strength. One group is made up of controlled concrete, and the other is made up of CRC. The two beams of each group have different cross-section and the same ratio of reinforcement.This paper concludes the limit bending bearing capacity, deflection ductility factor and cross-section curvature ductility, the length of plastic hinge and so on. From all of these, this paper concludes that reinforced beams made up of Crumb Rubber Concrete have better ductility.At last, the paper has a contrast of two frames through the method of the code for seismic design of building provided. One frame is made up of controlled concrete; the other is made up of two kinds of concrete. The cross beams are CRC and the columns are controlled concrete still. The result is that the frame with CRC beams has better ductility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU375.1;TU375.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】108
  • 攻读期成果