

Capacity Test and Finite-element Analysis of Extendable Container Mobile House

【作者】 傅爽

【导师】 姜忻良;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 活动型房屋是二战后,为提高建设速度,使建筑业向工业化发展而兴起的一种建筑形式。这类建筑现场兴建速度快,各项物理性能指标(抗震、保温、隔声、防水等)好,因此在军事和民用领域中广受青睐。扩展集装箱式活动房是一种可以反复拆装的半临时性建筑,主要由1C改进型集装箱和彩钢聚氨酯夹芯复合板通过连接构件拼装而成,可用于野外宿营、野战指挥、医疗救护等。本文主要对扩展集装箱式活动房纵向1/2原型结构(原型在纵向、横向均为轴对称结构)在风荷载、雪荷载作用下的承载能力进行试验研究,按照力的等效原则用均布线荷载通过多点加载模拟风、雪荷载作用,分析结构的受力情况,找出结构的薄弱位置。利用SAP2000有限元软件对其进行力学分析、Push-over平面分析,并将分析结果与试验数据进行对比。研究结果表明,荷载试验中活动房各测点应力均在弹性范围之内,各测点位移均未超过许可范围,活动房的设计是合理的,可以承受10级风荷载和20cm厚的雪荷载作用,活动房在野外环境中的承载力主要取决于风荷载承载力,雪荷载一般不会导致结构破坏。通过Push-over分析,结构破坏的形式很可能为屋架和墙体连接件失效使得各部分彼此脱离而造成的破坏,可以提高构件连接件的强度或采取相应的加固措施以进一步提高承载力。有限元计算与试验结果能够很好的吻合。

【Abstract】 In order to accelerate and industrialize construction, mobile house appeared since the 2th World War as a new style structure. Because of the merits such as high-grade industrialized, high speed of construction and good construction physical properties (seismic resistance, thermal retardation, noise isolation, water-resistance), the mobile house is widely adopted for civil and military use. The extended container mobile house can be repetitively disassembled and assembled. Colored steel Polyurethane composite sandwich boards and 1C second generated container consolidates this kind of semi-temporary buildings. The house can be used for field encamping, field direction and medical treatment.In this paper, the half model of the mobile house is adopted, and its capacity under wind load and snow load are researched. Based on the equivalent principle of mechanics, the wind and snow loads are applied as multi-point loads and line-distributed loads. The loaded models were analyzed and the weak areas were found. Do the loaded analysis and Push-over analysis with SAP2000. The analysis results were compared with that from experiment.The result indicated that The stress and displacement of the house in the experiment was in the elastic range, the design of the house is ratinal, the capacity of the mobile house met the design requirement. The house can bear 10 calss wind load and 20cm snow load. The wind load determinated capacity of the mobile house. Push-over indicated the building collapsed because of the local failure. The result of analysis was consistent with that of experiment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期