

Study on Optimization of IGCC Thermodynamic System

【作者】 朱志劼

【导师】 杨道刚; 危奇; 陈洪溪;

【作者基本信息】 上海发电设备成套设计研究院 , 动力机械及工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)将气化炉气化出来的合成气体经过净化后送入燃气轮机中做功,燃气轮机的排气余热送入蒸汽系统产生出力,由此而产生电能。它是把先进的洁净煤技术和联合循环相结合而成的先进能源动力系统,效率高并且环保性能出色,现在已完成商业示范阶段。它将满足未来电厂的低排放、低成本以及效率高、可用性好的要求。因此,对IGCC系统尤其是热力系统的研究具有十分重要的意义。本文主要研究内容包括:在阅读大量文献资料的基础上,结合当前能源环境所面临的问题,研究了国外和国内IGCC的发展历程,指出IGCC在能源、资源、环境一体化的可持续发展上的优势。剖析了IGCC系统的重要构成部件的基本原理、它们对整个系统的影响以及IGCC系统对它们的要求,为IGCC热力系统的分析与研究奠定基础。以IGCC热力系统为研究对象,通过深入研究,分析了IGCC燃气轮机的变工况特点,建立了IGCC系统热力性能燃气侧、蒸汽侧以及综合优化数学模型,选择了合适的IGCC方案,指出了影响系统的热力性能的重要参数。以最优化方法为理论工具,提出了优化IGCC热力性能的基本思路,结合MATLAB计算软件,提出了解决IGCC热力性能优化的具体方法和步骤,编写了相关的优化计算程序,揭示了系统性能变化规律,给出了优化方案。以上研究工作为IGCC电站方案的设计和优化、分系统工艺选择、设备选型及电站调试运行积累数据,提供重要参考资料;对相关设备的研制也有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 In the IGCC(Integrated gasification combined cycle)system,the coal is first gasified to produce a syngas which can be combusted in a gas turbine after particles and sulfur compounds are removed.The exhaust from the gas turbine is used to raise steam for the Rankine bottoming cycle.According to today’s know-how,it is a kind of advanced power generation system that combined clean coal technology and combined cycle system together.It is attracting more attention because its’ high efficiency and excellent environmental superiority.Now it has been commercially demonstrated.It is capable of meeting the requirements which will be placed on future power generation facilities with respect to low emissions and costs combined with high efficiency and availability. Therefore,research on IGCC system especially thermodynamic system is of great significance.The main content of this dissertation are as follows:Based on reading lots of references and according to energy and environmental problems we face today,the history and development of IGCC in the world is studied in this paper and it points out that IGCC is a sustainable energy system with integration of energy,resource and environment.The main components,their basic principles,their influence on the system and the system’s requirements are discussed.The outcomes are in favor of the analysis and investigation of the IGCC thermodynamic system.Studying on the IGCC thermodynamic system deeply,off-design characters of gas turbine in IGCC are analyzed.The mathematic models of key equipments of IGCC,optimization models of gas-side,steam-side and the whole system are built in the paper.Appropriate scheme of IGCC is selected,and important parameters affecting system performance are indicated.Using methods of optimization as theoretical tools,basic ideas about optimization of IGCC thermal performance are proposed.Concrete measures and steps are presented to solve the optimization problems in IGCC thermodynamic system and the calculation program is written using MATLAB.The results reveal the change regularity of system performance and also give the optimal scheme.Research work above accumulated date and provided important reference materials for IGCC power plant design and optimization, subsystem process selection,equipment selection and operation of IGCC power plants.It also has some value on the development of the relative equipments.
