

Bacteriology Research and Simulation of Water Quality in the Distribution Network

【作者】 喻青

【导师】 赵新华;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 水,是生命之源。人们的生活每天都离不开水,包括饮用水、生活用水及生产用水等等。提供安全的饮用水尤为重要。长期以来,人们都把注意力集中在了出厂水的水质上,而对于给水管网中水质的污染重视不够。然而给水管网在整个供水系统中占有相当重要的地位,对保证供水水质起到关键作用。因此,本文研究给水管网中水质的变化,尤其是微生物学水质指标的变化及影响因素具有重要的意义。首先,本文选取具有代表意义的北方某高校给水管网作为试验区。根据管网水力计算结果分析及水质监测点布置原则,在管网中建立了包括二次供水水箱在内的6个水质监测点。这6个水质监测点点分别代表了管网的入口、中部、末梢及二次供水设施处。本文对试验区给水管网进行了长期的水质监测,分析了各项水质指标在管网中的变化情况及相互间的关系,并着重分析了微生物学水质指标细菌总数的变化及其影响因素。本文利用水质分析获得的大量实验数据,采用人工神经网络建立了细菌总数的预测模型,分别对管网入口、中部和末梢进行了预测,预测准确度较高。其次,本文还采用多种管材在实验室建立了模拟给水管网,对其水质情况进行了连续监测分析,并将其结果与实际给水管网对比,得出模拟管网中水质的变化总体趋势与实际管网相似,但存在一定的差异性。通过实验室管网的建立本文对镀锌管、PPR塑料管和ABS塑料管管壁结垢物表面结构及其元素组成进行了具体分析,国内尚未见相关报道。再次,本文创新性地应用法国梅里埃公司的APi试剂对给水管网中的细菌进行了鉴定,并对鉴定结果进行了细菌风险分析。其鉴定出的细菌大多数都为条件致病菌,对人体健康有着潜在的危害。这在给水管网微生物水质研究方面具有重要的意义,并为控制管网水质微生物学污染的研究奠定了基础。最后,通过对试验区给水管网及实验室模拟给水管网的研究,本文提出了控制管网水质污染,降低微生物学风险,提高供水水质的有效措施。

【Abstract】 Water, is the source of life. Anybody can’t live without water, such as drinking water, living water and producing water etc. And to supply safe drinking water is more important. Since long ago, more attention has been put on the research of water quality of the water treatment plant outlet, and the regard to the contamination of water quality of distribution network is not enough. But the distribution network is an important part in the whole water supply systems, and it plays a key role in protecting security of water supply. The diversification of water quality of the distribution network has been researched by this paper, especially the microbiology parameters and the influencing factors. This is a significant research.Firstly, this paper chooses the representative distribution network of a north college as the experimentation area. According to the water power result and the disposal principle of water quality monitoring point, this paper sets up 6 points, including the second-supply water tank. These 6 points represent the entrance, middle, twig and the second water supply establishment of the distribution network respectively. The water quality has been monitored for long times, and its parameters have been analyzed, including the diversification and influencing factors. According as the large numbers of data, this paper establishes the HPC forecast model. This model has been applied for the entrance, middle and the end of the network and the result is well.Secondly, this paper establishes simulative distribution network using the diversiform material at the lab and monitors the water quality continuously. The result has been compared by the actual network. The whole diversification direction is coincident. But there is some difference all the same. The exterior configuration and element composing of the dirty on the pipe wall about the galvanization, PPR and ABS have been analyzed. Before this haven’t been reported in our country.Again, this paper uses the Api reagent piece of France Biomerieux Company to identify the bacteria in the distribution network firstly. Risk of the bacteria which have been identified has been analyzed. Most of them are conditional pathogenic bacteria. It’s a potential danger for people’s health. This is very important for the microbiology water quality research and it’s the base of research about the control of microbiology water quality contamination of the distribution network.Lastly, via the research of distribution network in the experimentation area and simulation network in the lab, this paper brings forward the effective measures about how to control the water quality contamination, reduce the microbiology risk and improve the water quality of the distribution network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期