

On the Public Policy of the Compensation and Settlement for Land Requisiation

【作者】 龚永华

【导师】 宁国良;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 目前,我国已进入城市化快速发展阶段,由于国家建设需要,不可避免地要征收大量农村集体土地。征地涉及集体土地所有权的转移和土地用途的变化,关系到农民的合法权益和长远生计。我国现行征地制度产生于计划经济时期,已与市场经济体制很不相适应。近年来因征地引发的矛盾在一些地方日益突出,从而影响被征地农民的生产和生活,影响经济发展和社会稳定,同时也严重制约了城市化的发展进程,由此引发的群众上访、信访已成为社会广泛关注的热点。因此,积极研究、探索既服务于国家经济建设,优化土地资源配置,发挥土地最大效益,同时又保护好广大农民的根本利益,建立与社会主义市场经济发展相适应并符合本地实际的新型征地制度及相关的机制和体制已成为各地区当前不可回避的一大研究课题。本文通过对征地补偿安置理论进行综述,确定研究的内涵与外延,分析当前我国征地制度存在的主要问题与产生原因,进而对张家界市征地补偿安置政策的制定和执行情况进行分析评价,并在此基础上,提出张家界城市化进程中的征地补偿安置政策的创新建议。本文从两部分来阐述征地补偿安置的理论与实践。首先界定土地征收及征地补偿的概念,突出相关的原则和特征,并综述征地补偿政策的类型和实施理论依据。然后阐述征地补偿安置制度的具体实践情况。回顾了我国征地补偿安置政策历程,明确我国现行征地补偿政策的原则、标准及安置方式,进而剖析当前的征地补偿安置政策在实践中存在的问题,并分析这些问题的深层次原因,提出今后征地补偿政策的改革方向。在系统地述析我国关于征地补偿安置的理论与实践的基础上,以张家界市作为研究实例,试图对其目前的征地补偿安置政策进行评价,并对其征地补偿安置政策,特别是对失地农民生活保障等问题进行深入探讨,提出了适合张家界现阶段实情的征地补偿安置政策措施,使得国家、集体、农民三方都满意。

【Abstract】 At present, it is unavoidable to expropriate farmers’ lands in order to guarantee the land demands of fast urbanization. Of course, land expropiration relates to transformation of collectives ownership and using, which touches the farmers’lawful benefits and living problems. Our country’s land expropiration starts at the Planned-Economy Period and now it does not match our Market-Economy system any more. In recent years, many problems on land expropiration become more seriously and have influenced over the living and production of expropirated peasants, even over the social security and economic development; accordingly urbanization has been restricted. The phenomena that the people called on the government has become a hot problem in our society. Thus, to actively research and explore a mechanism which can guarantee our farmers’ interests, match social Market-economy, and conform to our newly local land expropiration policy to optimize land resource and to serve for the country’s economy construction effectively, becomes a great issue.This theses firstly genaralizes the theories of land expropiration and settlement, sets a denotation and conntoation for this research, and analyzes the main problems and causes which existed in our country’s land system at present, furthermore introduces the orientation of land reform. Then this thesis comments the implement of compensation and settlement in Zhangjiajie city, and makes some suggestions accordingly.The main body of this thesis expounds the theory and practice of land compensation with two parts.The first part defines the land expropiration and compensation, emphasizes some relevant principles and features, and summarizes compensation type and its implementation theory.The second part explains the concrete implementation of land compensation policy, covers the history introduction of our land compenstion, its principles, standards and settlement operations, analyzes the current problems and causes that existed in the course of land compensation, gives an deep insight into some reasons,and puts forth the orientation of land expropiration stystem.On the basis of systematic study on land expropiration and compensation theoretically and practically, taking Zhangjiajie city as a case, this thesis tries to comment the current implementation of compensation and settlement and explores its settlement policy,especicaaly,the living and security of farmers lossing land. Finally it makes some creative ways and measures about compensation and settlement to conform the real present situation in Zhangjiajie city to satisfy our government, colletives and farmers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期