

On Allegorical Narration in Sophie’s Choice

【作者】 吴竹

【导师】 王洁群;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 斯泰龙是美国20世纪下半叶重要的小说家。其扛鼎之作《索菲的选择》被誉为“西方小说史上里程碑式的作品”。它反映了二次世界大战的深远影响、体现了战后思想的急剧动荡。斯泰龙有意无意地采用了寓言性叙事方式,其目的是要让读者在阅读中,对索菲的悲惨经历和爱情悲剧始终保持着陌生感和震惊感,从而领会索菲的“选择困境”其实是一种普遍的际遇、一种普适的寓言。经过本雅明等理论家的深入挖掘,寓言性叙事已成为一种追求梦幻般寓言效果的叙事形态。它在思想内容上充满分裂与异质因素,在内在结构上具有鲜明的断裂性和重复性,在叙事方式上则表现为碎片化和拼贴式的形态。斯泰龙的《索菲的选择》正是这样一个文本:它在思想内容上将各种矛盾的、异质的思想共熔一炉,融汇了多重寓指、自我否定的内涵,表现了斯泰龙的思想立足点在不停地移形换位,始终立足别处,不断针对生活与历史进行自我辩驳与自我超越的探索精神。在叙事结构上,它则不断通过索菲回忆、倒叙和插叙,把当下的纽约生活与回忆中的波兰集中营故事压缩、并置于同一个时间进行叙述,让事件像舞台背景一样向空间展开,剔除历史的纵深而将其横陈于现实。结构的断裂性和重复性成为达成叙事目的的独特方式,成为对“20世纪是断裂世纪”这一时代特征的摹仿。在叙事方式上,小说中的主观化视角使叙事显得支离破碎,索菲碎片化的回忆性语言与穿插拼贴其间的斯汀勾几次短暂的爱情闹剧片断,不断交织。这种碎片化、拼贴式地叙事方式体现了寓言的“破坏美学”。斯泰龙以这种独特的寓言性叙事方式,展现了“二战”以后人类精神世界所面临的复杂矛盾与危机。

【Abstract】 Sophie’s Choice is representative work of William Styron (1925-2006) , an important American writer of later half 20th century. The work reflects the profound war-influence in 20th century and manifests the postwar turbulent thoughts. Styron uses allegorical narration , his aim is to make readers have a feeling of strangeness and shock towards Sophie’s misery experience and love tragedy, so as to be aware of the morbidity and crisis of the real life and to realize that "Sophie’s Choice" is both a kind of common condition and a common allegory.After Benjamin and other theory experts’ research, allegorical narration has developed into a kind of narration style which chasing dreamlike result. Allegory is a text with split and heterogeneous content, broken and repeating structure, fragmental and pasting narrating tactics. Sophie’s Choice is just such text: It forms multiple connotations and self-negation coherent by combining the contrast and multiple heterogeneous thoughts, and this express William Styron’s consistent chasing to social problem solving. As for as the structure, Sophie’s Choice narrates modern New York life and Poland memory at the same time through Sophie’s disorder recall. It makes the sceneries expressed at the same time instead of one by one. The broken and repeating structure imitates the century specialty of "20th is a broken century", so it becomes a unique expression method in order to transfer the novel ideal. When it comes to the narrating method, the subjective standpoint makes the story destructive, and Sophie’s fragmental language mingles with several short Stingo’s love dramas. This reflects allegorical "destruction aesthetics".With such special allegorical narration, Styron illustrates the complex dilemma and crisis which block human spirit after the Second World War.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期