

Study on Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations of the Yellow Sea Warm Current

【作者】 王辉武

【导师】 于非;

【作者基本信息】 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所 , 物理海洋学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先利用最新实测的锚系潜标测流和温、盐资料,分析了黄海暖流的季节变异;然后根据有关断面的历史资料,以暖水舌作为黄海暖流的示性指标,采用经验正交函数分解和功率谱分析等方法,研究了冬季黄海暖流水和夏季黄海暖流残留水的年际变化特征;具体结果如下:(1)黄海暖流季节变化:秋季黄海南部近底层已出现较为稳定的北向余流,表明黄海暖流在秋季已经开始出现。黄海水温分布亦显示出暖水舌的雏形,也是黄海暖流开始出现的佐证;冬季黄海暖流发展成熟,势力达到最强,不仅在近底层表现为一支稳定的北向流,在表层及次表层北向流亦是主要流态;春季黄海暖流仍然存在,从温度和盐度分布图上仍能看到高盐暖水舌的存在,但舌轴已明显东移,且流速也已经变弱,流向由冬季的偏西北向转为北向;夏季锚系站的余流均呈现东南向,表现为黄海冷水团的环流结构,此时黄海暖流已经消失。(2)黄海暖流年际变化:黄海暖流的强弱存在4~7a的年际变化周期,并与冬季经向风具有较好的响应关系;黄海暖流多年平均的流轴在123°E左右,其流轴的摆动存在一个3~6a的变化周期,而且其流轴的摆动明显受冬季纬向风的影响;冬季风强,黄海暖流亦强,且流轴西移。(3)黄海暖流残留水年际变化:夏季黄海暖流虽然已经消失,但黄海暖流残留水仍然存在于冷水团的核心区内。通过对黄海暖流残留水做EOF分析,结果表明:夏季黄海暖流残留水存在一个4~7a的年际变化;其核心位置在123.5°E左右,比冬季黄海暖流流轴明显东偏(冬季大约在123°E)。

【Abstract】 The seasonal variation of the Yellow Sea Warm Current(YSWC) is analysed based on current data from the moored Acoustic Doppler Profilers(ADCPs) and conductivity-temperature-depth data collected in the southern Yellow Sea in four seasons during 2006~2007; Then, based on multiple-year continuous collected hydrographic surveyed data and taking the Yellow Sea Warm Water tongue as a single indication of the Yellow Sea Warm Current(YSWC), the inter-annual variation of the YSWC and YSWC remanent water are studied by using the methods of Empirical Orthogonal Functions(EOF) and spectral analyses. The results showed that:(1)On the seasonal variation of the YSWC: In autumn, a relatively stable northern current appears in the near-bottom layer in the Southern Yellow Sea, which implies that the YSWC begins to form. Meanwhile, an embryonic form of the warm tongue on the distribution of the temperature in the Yellow Sea also shows the appearance of the YSWC. In winter, the stable northward current appears not only in the near-bottom layer, but also in the upper layer, implying the YSWC develop quite well and becomes quite strong. In spring, the YSWC still exists, but becomes much weaker. The Warm tongue moves obviously eastward. In summer, the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass occupies the whole Yellow Sea and the YSWC disappears.(2)On the inter-annual variation of the YSWC: there are evident cycles of 4~7a in the Strength of the YSWC, which is well responsed to the longitudinal component of winter monsoon; The pathway of the YSWC has a cycles of 3~6a, which is obviously influenced by the latitudinal component of winter monsoon; When the winter monsoon strenthes, the YSWC strenthes and pathway moves westward.(3) On the inter-annual variation of the YSWC remanent water: Although the YSWC has disappeared in summer, the YSWC remanent water is located in the core area of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. By using the method of EOF, we can find: There are evident cycles of 4~7a in the Strength of the YSWC remanent water; The core area of the YSWC remanent current is about located in 123.5°E in summer, which moves a little eastward.

  • 【分类号】S931
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