

Study on Ingredient and Craftsmanship of Air-Proof Concrete

【作者】 赵海英

【导师】 潘绍伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 气密性混凝土是作为核反应堆压力容器、海水淡化装置的罐体、下水处理槽、高瓦斯地段隧道的衬砌等诸多特殊的要求而提出和应用的,为此各国都对其配比、工艺、测试方法以及评定标准作了一些研究,但是总的来说还是不够全面,目前的测试方法主要有定压法和变压法。本研究就是基于混凝土耐久性问题同时结合工程达成复线天台寺隧道的需要而提出的气密混凝土配制技术及施工工艺研究。本研究主要采用正交设计的方法考虑原材料(胶凝材料、骨料、外加剂)及配合比、砂率对混凝土的影响以及骨料含泥量对混凝土气密性的影响;在此基础上,在施工现场做施工工艺的研究,研究内容有:拌合物搅拌时间、试件成型时的振动时间、混凝土浇筑时的泵送时间、混凝土搅拌方式、养护条件拌合物含气量等多个项目。同时做了混凝土电通量和氯离子渗透试验,用以和混凝土的透气性做对比,寻求二者的关系,也为了防止钢筋锈蚀的问题做了提前的部分准备试验。通过上述的一系列试验,最终得到了可行、实用、经济的混凝土配比以及利于气密性施工控制的施工工艺,对现场施工有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Taken as the nuclear reactor pressure vessel,the seawater desalination installment shell of tank,under the water treatment trough,the high gas land sector tunnel lining work,the Air-proof concrete is took.Thus many countries have been conducting researches on its allocated proportion,the craftsmanship,the test method as well as the evaluation standard. But generally speaking not too much achievements have been made in this field.At present the most popular methods used in this field are the constant pressure law and the live pressure law.This paper rely on the problems of concrete duration which have been mentioned in the previous chapter.At the same time,it combines the requirements needed in the Dacheng Railroad Tiantai temple,i.e.the research on the proportion and craftsmanship about anti-corrosion and air-proof.With the employment of the orthogonal design,the paper taken into account the effects caused by raw material(gel gelling material,aggregate,admixture)and their proportion.And other focus lies in the effect of sediment percent of aggregate on the air-proof of concrete.Then a research on construction craftsmanship in-situs is conducted including stirring time,vibrating time,pumping time.stirring modes curing conditions and so on.Through a series of experiments,feasible,practical,the economical concrete, proportion and favorable air-proof craftsmanship are finally obtained.And they can be taken as a guide to in-situs construction.
