

Implementation and Research of Northbound Interface Adapter of Network Management System for Transport Network Based on SNMP

【作者】 何邦甑

【导师】 彭代渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着各种电信业务及新技术的快速发展,电信行业竞争加剧,PDH、SDH、DWDM、千兆路由器设备大量引入,设备种类、电路数量、资料等各项管理内容成几何级数增长,给传输网运行、维护部门的工作带来了很大的压力。因此建设行之有效的传输网综合网管来全面掌握、规划、运行和管理传输网已成当务之急。在电信管理网(Telecommunications Management Network,TMN)的五层管理架构中,综合网络管理系统(Network Management System,NMS)处在第三层,与下层EMS的接口即北向接口是其中的关键技术。但基于TMN/CMIP的Q3北向接口,因其复杂性而倍受开发者诟病。SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol,简单网络管理协议)目前已经是一项比较成熟的分布式面向对象技术,在国外电信业中被广泛用来做网络管理系统集成和综合网络管理系统。利用SNMP技术的分布式、跨平台、可扩展等特性可以较好地解决Q3接口实现TMN技术遇到的不足。因此,基于SNMP技术的北向接口是目前构建传输网综合网络管理系统较为理想的一种方案。本文针对上面提出的问题,主要研究把多厂商、多技术的光传输通讯设备统一管理起来。为了达到此目的,关键就是建立统一的信息模型,只有采用了统一的模型,在各个厂商网管之间才能实现互操作性。在电信管理网(TMN)中,对于下层的网管和设备的定义和实现,由具体的厂商自己决定,但要求厂商在自己的网管之上,再提供一个对外的统一接口,即北向接口。本文从传输网网管北向接口的总体需求出发,结合分析SNMP技术、TMN的特点以及常用传输网网管接口技术,设计了基于SNMP技术的传输网网管北向接口的方案。本文的主体是适配器的总体设计,首先,在进行了详细的需求分析的基础上,给出基于SNMP的光传送网综合管理模型,并对适配器从功能模块、分层结构、处理流程和以数据结构为中心等多个方面进行了设计;同时,还对适配器命令的处理流程,初始化过程等方面进行了具体描述;最后本文论述了适配器的具体实现,包括接口配制管理模块对象关系的设计、公共数据结构的定义以及对特殊需求的实现。目前,该系统已经通过转产测试,并已经应用到一些运营商的综合网管系统。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of various telecom business and new technology, the telecom competition has become severe. Moreover, the management contents, such as the kinds of device, the amount of circuits and all kinds of material, have increased on geometric series. As the result, the operating and maintaining department is under increasing pressure. So an effective solution, which can be used to fully control, deploy, operate and manage the transmission network, is badly in need. In the five-layer management hierarchy of TMN the transmission network NMS lies in the third layer, and interface, which also called northbound interface, is the key technology.Q3 interface based on TMN/CMIP is often complained by developers because of its complication.SNMP is a mature distributed object-oriented technology at present, and many foreign telecom enterprises have used it in network management system and integrated network management system. As SNMP is distributed, multi-platform, stretchy, it can solved the deficiencies encountered in TMN technology by Q3 interface. So the solution combining with northbound based-SNMP is the best at present in building the transmission integrated network management system.To the above problem, this thesis mainly researches to manage mulit-vendors and multi-technology’s communication equipment. To the aim, a unified information model must be established. If only adopting a unified information model, inter-operation can been realized. In the TMN, vendors may decide definition and realization of their own equipment and network management, but must invest a unified interface called northbound interface on the network management system to outer.This paper puts through the total design requirements of the transport network NMS Northbound interface. The characteristics of SNMP technology, TMN are analyzed, the application of SNMP technology combined with TMN is introduced by an example of the model of the transport network NMS. In the main body of the thesis, based on the requirement analyzed, the Adapter Model based on SNMP is introduced, and the adapter is designed from many ways such as level module, disposal module, thread model, data structure model. In addition, the management flow, initialization process of adapter is described. Finally, the adapter is realized.Now this system has already passed the product test, and has been applied by telecom Service provider.
