

Research on the Stability of Seasonal Seepage Slope

【作者】 彭小东

【导师】 陆阳;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 边坡的稳定性研究是岩土工程界中的一个重要课题,边坡的稳定性与边坡本身的地质构造、岩土体的性质、施工扰动、地下水等诸多方面因素有关,而地下水对其稳定性的影响尤为显著。鉴于此,论文以望江岭边坡为依托,在广泛收集场地水文地质资料的基础上,运用现场监测与数值模拟相结合的方法,对望江岭边坡在地下水渗流场作用下的稳定性进行了评价。取得了以下研究成果:1.论文提出了监测系统设计及实施的一般方法原则。根据依托工程的特点对其进行了监测系统的设计,采集了相应的监测数据,并对监测数据进行了比较详尽的分析。找出了造成该边坡局部较大位移变形的三个主要因素:降雨的入渗、外部荷载作用以及施工的扰动。2.建立了望江岭边坡的三维数值模型,借助商业软件FLAC3D对边坡进行了流——固耦合计算,对比分析了边坡在旱季与雨季两种不同工况下位移情况:雨季时所发生的位移比旱季时要大一倍以上,稳定性也要差得多。找出了最大位移发生的地方与位移量,并分析了边坡的整体稳定性。3.通过分析得出:降雨是该边坡失稳的主要诱导因素,雨水的渗入使得边坡土体的饱和度增大,土体中渗入了的大量的孔隙水,水体在渗流运动过程中,产生渗流的动水压力,使土体内应力场发生变化,应力场的改变造成岩土介质位移场变化。4.通过现场监测与数值模拟分析,为边坡的动态设计与施工提供了理论依据与数据支持,对保证边坡的顺利施工起到了非常关键的作用。

【Abstract】 The stability analysis of slopes is one of the significant projects in Geotechnical engineering world. It is related to many factors, such as geological structure, character of the rock and soil, construction disturbance, groundwarter, and so on, of which grougwater is one of the most main factors. In view of this, the paper takes the Wangjianglin slope as a backing. Based on the widespread collection of local hydrogeologic data and method of in-situ monitoring combined with numerical simulation, the stability of the slope in groundwater seepage has been evaluated. The following results have been obtained:1. Common principle of the monitor systems design and application has been proposed. The monitor system has been designed based on the characters of the Wangjianglin slope, and acquires relevant data. Then by analyzing the data, three mayor factors, infiltration of the rainfall, outer load and construction perturbation have been found to cause the slope local displacement very large.2. The paper sets up 3-D numerical model of Wangjianglin slope, then it utilizes FLAC3D to calculate fluid-solid coupling model, finally it compares the displacement in rainy season with that in dry season .The results indicate the displacement in rainy season is over twice as large as that in dry season, and that the stability in rainy season is poorer. From the results, the place where the largest displacement happens has been found and the largest displacement has been calculated. The global stability of the slope has been also analyzed.3. By analyzing the model and the data, it shows the rainfall is the main induced factor bringing on the slope instability. The infiltration of rainwater makes saturation of the slope soil increase, and the water produces dynamic hydropower in course of the seepage. That changes the stress in the soil, which causes the change of soil displacement.4. Through in-situ monitoring and numerical simulation analyzing, it plays a very key role to provide theoretical basis and data support for the slope dynamic design and construction which ensure slope construction smoothly.
