

Research on Development Strategy of Y Company under China Railway No.5 Engineering Group

【作者】 夏先平

【导师】 赵正佳;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国建筑市场的全面开放和中国中铁的整体上市,作为中国中铁在建筑主业方面的三级子公司之一的中国中铁五局Y公司的企业内外部环境发生了重大而深刻的变化。作为一家传统的国有铁路施工企业,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,如何全面地认识企业所面临的宏观环境和行业竞争状况,如何准确地把握企业的市场定位,如何合理地将企业的资源和竞争优势同外部环境更好地协调起来,对企业的发展战略进行研究,从而抓住机遇、扬长避短,为实现企业做强做大做优和可持续发展的战略目标奠定基础。本文综合运用了经济学、管理学、市场营销学和战略管理的有关理论和方法,系统研究和探讨了中国中铁五局Y公司的企业外部环境、行业状况、资源现状、竞争优劣势,提出了企业相应的发展战略:坚持以建筑业为支柱,进一步扩大铁路、公路市场份额,以进入中国中铁同类三级子公司第一方阵为目标,以经营项目为中心,以低成本竞争、高品质管理为手段,以加快形成全面的有竞争优势的专项施工能力为突破口,将公司建设成为建筑业多角化经营的,有稳定经营区域和品牌工程优势的,和谐创新型、技术密集型、管理效益型的建筑施工总承包企业。文章通过对深化区域和领域经营、强化项目管理、推动科技进步、组建专业化施工队伍、培育核心人才、发挥国有企业特有的党建思想政治工作优势、提升企业文化等一系列问题的探讨,以期对中国中铁五局Y公司的决策层制定企业发展战略提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 Along with the all-round opening up of China’ s building market and the public listing of China Railway Group Limited, significant and profound changes have taken place in the internal and external surroundings of Y Company, which is a subsidiary to China railway No. 5 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and is one of the third-level subsidiaries to China Railway Group Limited, contributing itself to the major business of building and construction China Railway Group Limited. Being faced up with the market that is in increasingly intensive competition, Y Company, as a traditional state-owned railway construction enterprise, is necessarily required to have an all-round understanding of the macro environment and competition situation that face to the enterprise and even the construction industry, to accurately grasp the market positioning of the company, to reasonably combine and harmonize the resources and competitive advantages of the company with external environment, and to carry out research on the development strategy of enterprise, and then to grasp every possible opportunity, to make full use of advantages and to avoid weaknesses so as to build a foundation for realizing the company’ s strategic goal of becoming a stronger, bigger and better enterprise and achieving a sustainable development.This article comprehensively uses relevant theories and approaches of economics, management, marketing and strategic management to systematically research and discuss the external environment, industrial circumstance, resources situation, competitive advantages and weaknesses of Y Company, and puts forward the corresponding development strategy, as follows: To consistently rely on the building industry, to further increase the market shares in railway and highway construction, to aim at standing among the first-rank third-level subsidiaries of China Railway Group Limited, to be centralized on the operation of projects, to regard the low-cost competition and high-quality management as its major instruments, to achieve a breakthrough by means of forming the comprehensive special-purpose construction capability with competitive advantage, so as to build Y Company into a building and construction head-contractor of harmonious innovation, technology concentration and management efficacy with diversified economies, stable business area and engineering advantages. By means of discussing a series of issues, such as the deepening of regional and sector operation, the strengthening of project management, the promotion of scientific and technological advancement, the organizing of professionalized construction team, the training of core talent, the utilizing of advantages in ideological and political work as well as the building work for CPC Party peculiar to state-owned enterprise and the advancement of enterprise culture, etc., this article is expected to provide the decision maker of Y Company with a helpful reference for setting up the development strategy of the company.

  • 【分类号】F272.3;F426.92
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】362