

Research of Power SCADA System Based on J2EE Platform

【作者】 杨健

【导师】 陈奇志;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电力SCADA系统在电网调度自动化系统中具有不可替代的作用,近年来其发展过程有两个明显的趋势,即功能的分布性和系统的开放性。分布与开放的体系结构能够为SCADA系统提供最充分的集成性、最大的可移植性和最广泛的信息共享能力。随着Internet/Intranet技术的不断发展,SCADA系统的应用结构在传统的“客户机/服务器”(C/S)结构之上形成了新的“浏览器/服务器”(B/S)三层结构,B/S结构为实现跨平台、分布式应用提供了良好的运行模式。本文首先深入研究了J2EE平台技术和基于J2EE平台的的开源框架技术在电力SCADA系统中的应用。J2EE是目前市场上主流的企业级分布式应用程序开发平台,它具有鲜明的B/S三层结构风格,以及满足J2EE规范的产品给用户带来的开放性和可移植性,因此运用J2EE平台开发B/S结构的SCADA系统具有强大的可移植、可复用和最广泛的信息共享优势。论文随后按照基于J2EE多层体系结构的B/S设计思想,结合Struts和Hibernate等开源框架技术,设计了基于客户层、中间层和数据库层三层结构的SCADA系统的总体框架。各层层次清晰、分工明确,层与层之间相对独立,各层内部改动不会扩散到其它层次,有利于系统的维护、复用和扩展。在理论分析的基础上,论文针对拟实现的原型系统详细分析了系统的工作流程、定义了系统需求,并对具体的开发技术、策略,以及模块实现的核心类、类的属性、方法作了分析。最后通过实现的用户管理、图形显示和报表查询模块验证了该原型系统的可行性,并在一定程度上展示了系统软件具有的可复用、易维护和可扩展的特点。

【Abstract】 The Power SCADA System has played irreplaceable role on Electric Power Dispatch Automation System. In recent years, open and distributional system structure is the tendency of SCADA System, because it can provide high integration, excellent portability and widespread information sharing ability to SCADA. With the fast development of Internet/Intranet technology, the application structure of SCADA system has formed B/S three-tier structure, which based on traditional C/S structure. This new B/S structure can provide good running pattern to realize cross platform and distributional application.First, this paper researches the application of J2EE platform and open source framework which based on J2EE platform in Power SCADA System. J2EE is the mainstream enterprise distributional application program development platform at present; it has the obvious B/S three-tier structure style, and those products which conform to the J2EE specification can bring open and portability to users. So using J2EE platform to design B/S structure application program will strengthen its portability, reusability and information sharing ability.According to the J2EE multi-tier architecture, and integrate open source framework which are Struts and Hibernate, design three-tier architecture of SCADA system. This architecture includes client-tier, middle-tier and database-tier, and each tier’s function is clear, so change any tier need not modify other tiers. This architecture is propitious to improve system’s maintainability, reusability and extensibility.On the base of theory analysis, this paper analyzes the system work flow, defines the system requirements, and introduces the concrete development technology, modules’ core classes and their methods. Finally through realizing user management, graphic display and the report inquiry module to validate this prototype system’s feasibility, and exhibits it’s more reusability, maintainability and extensibility.

  • 【分类号】TM769
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】305