

Study on Train Carrying Malfunction Diagnosis Expert System of Electric Locomotive

【作者】 陈海滨

【导师】 郭世明;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 论文详细介绍了故障诊断专家系统的概念,以及该系统运用到机车上进行故障诊断的意义,对于提高机车运行的安全性,降低由于人为产生的错误或者各种原因造成的失误产生重要的作用。专家系统主要是一个智能的计算机程序系统,其内部含有大量的某个领域专家水平的知识和经验,能够利用人类专家的知识和解决问题的经验方法来处理该领域的高水平难题,以此来解决复杂系统的故障诊断问题。专家系统诊断利用了专家积累的丰富实践经验,能模仿专家分析问题和解决问题的思路。本课题研究基于SS4改型的故障诊断专家系统,与大多数已经建立的专家系统相同,都是基于专家系统的总体思路,也是基于专家的知识,结合专家的经验给于指出机车故障原因。但不同的是,本专家系统是基于机车已检测信号来进行实时的故障诊断。首先将机车上的信号包括开关量,模拟量及其它能反应机车故障现象的信号取出,信号检测装置实时地检测所有信号,然后将信号送给专家系统检测程序。专家系统得到检测的程序后,开始诊断,当发现故障现象时,系统给出专家语言提示,司机可以根据提示的语言进行故障的排除和处理。论文大概地论述了故障判断逻辑语句的编写,并给出故障诊断的部分重要子程序的设计框架,详细介绍系统以P87C591单片机为核心的车载硬件设计和以LabWindows/CVI为设计环境的地面故障诊断专家系统的软件设计。系统可以达到机车和地面都可以进行专家级故障诊断的要求。

【Abstract】 This paper introduced the concept of malfunction diagnosis expert system in detail, and the meaning of using the diagnosis system to electric locomotive for raising the safety of the electric locomotive movement, lowering various artificial output mistakes made perhaps by people,this system produce an important function.The expert system mainly is a computer programme system of intelligence, its inner part implies a great deal of certain expert knowledge and experience of the advanced level, and can make use of the knowledge of mankind’s expert and the method of solving problem to handle the high level difficult problem, resolve the malfunction diagnosis problem of the complicated system with this.The expert diagnosis system made use of abundant fulfillment experience of experts, can simulate thinking way of experts to analyze and solve problems.This paper research malfunction diagnosis expert system based on SS4 electric locomotive .To the same with others, it according to the thinking way of expert system, the expert’s knowledge, combine the expert’s experience to point out malfunction reasons of SS4.But the difference is that, this expert system can carry on real time malfunction based on the electric locomotive signals which has already been collected. First, it collects the signals, including imitating signals, number signals and other various signals.Then, expert system receive these signals, and begin to diagnose.When finding malfunction phenomenon , system will give the clue on expert language. Motorman can solve the problem according to it.The thesis discussed how to write malfunction diagnosis logic sentence, and gave the part important sub- programme design frame about malfunction diagnosis. Introduced train carrying hardware design with the P87C591 single chip computer for core and ground malfunction diagnosis expert system software design with LabWindows/CVI as design environment. System can attain to the request that malfunction diagnosis can carry on both on train and ground.

  • 【分类号】TP182;U269.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】400
  • 攻读期成果