

A Relevance Approach to the Cognitive Process of Verbal Humor in Friends

【作者】 楚艳梅

【导师】 夏伟蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 幽默,作为人类一种独特的、重要的交际方式,长期以来吸引着学术界的关注。哲学、美学、人类学、社会学、心理学等诸多领域都对幽默从不同侧面进行过研究。近来,幽默逐渐为语言学所关注。语言作为幽默的载体成为了幽默研究的重点。但是幽默是如何产生,又如何被听话人理解到的呢?综观前人研究,分析语言本身并不能给出满意的答案。我们认为,从语用的角度分析言语幽默的过程可以对某些问题找到更加合理的解释。本文以言语幽默为研究对象,以斯帕伯和威尔逊的关联理论为支撑和分析模式,以幽默接受者为出发点,试图从认知语用学角度探讨言语幽默产生和理解的认知过程。关联理论是关于人类交际与认知的普遍理论。它的提出为解释诸多语言现象提供了新的视角。在关联理论看来,幽默话语的理解同其他话语理解一样,是一个听话人寻求关联的认知过程。本文选取美国著名情景喜剧《老友记》为语料做个案研究,用定性分析的方法,阐述了关联理论如何有效解释幽默产生和理解的认知过程。作者同时还就跨文化幽默交际失误这一现象做了尝试性分析,并认为关联理论中认知环境及互明的概念能够很好的解释幽默理解失败。全文共分为五章。第一章介绍研究背景、理论基础和目的。第二章探讨幽默的定义并回顾了前人对幽默研究的成果与不足。第三章描述本文的研究方法,数据收集方法和分析方法。第四章为本文的重点,在关联理论的框架下分析了幽默产生、理解的认知过程及幽默理解的失败。第五章讨论该研究的结果,并提出本研究的不足,为以后的进一步研究提出建议。本研究以情景喜剧为语料分析对象,是对言语幽默认知过程的尝试性研究。本文旨在促进言语幽默的欣赏,并对幽默研究有所贡献。

【Abstract】 Humor, as a distinctive way of human communication, has long received attention from a variety of disciplines, such as philosophy, aesthetics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc. Recent years have seen humor study in the domain of linguistics as language is a natural carrier of humor. However, it seems that the study of language itself cannot adequately account for how humor is produced and how it is appreciated by the addressee, which are the essential questions of pragmatics. With these questions, the current research attempts to unfold the cognitive process involved in humor production and interpretation. Sperber & Wilson’s Relevance theory is adopted as the theoretic foundation for the general design of the research.Relevance theory, as a general theory for human cognition and communication, provides a new perspective on utterance understanding. According to RT, the process of humor understanding, like other forms of communication, is essentially a process searching for relevance. And it is this process which the communicator can predict and manipulate to some extent that provides good ground for humor. Through a case study of the American sitcom Friends and a detailed analysis of the sample humor in a qualitative approach, the cognitive process of verbal humor may be depicted. The thesis also probes into the failure of humor in cross-cultural settings. The notion of cognitive environment and mutual manifestness is found to be a good explanation for this problem.The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one outlines the background of the study, its theoretic foundation and its research purpose. Chapter two reviews the previous studies on humor, which lays a good ground for the present study. Chapter three describes the design of the research: its general approach and the method of data collection. Chapter four serves as the major focus of the study, which discusses the cognitive process of verbal humor from three aspects: humor production, humor interpretation and the failure in humor appreciation. The last chapter summarizes the major findings and limitations of the study with suggestions for further study in this area.Overall, this study is a tentative exploration of the cognitive process of verbal humor. It hopes to make some contribution to the study of humor and facilitate humor communication.
