

Research and Application of Workflow Engine OSWorkflow in Management System

【作者】 徐敬红

【导师】 金炜东;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 工作流是一类能够完全或部分自动执行的经营过程,根据一系列过程规则对文档、信息或任务在不同的执行者之间传递与执行。工作流引擎是工作流管理系统的核心软件部件,是驱动流程流动的主要部件。本文介绍了J2EE技术框架的四层结构、WfMC的标准体系结构和参考模型以及工作流管理系统的功能。重点介绍了本文所要研究的主要内容——OSWorkflow工作流引擎,对其基本元素的概念,关键包用途和常用类的功能作了具体的分析和深入的研究,并讨论了引擎的主要xml配置文件以及核心思想,然后给出了有关表的数据库模型。通过使用OSWorkflow工作流引擎,把工作重心放在业务和规则定义上,而不需再通过硬编码的方式实现一个Petri网或是一个有穷自动机,从而提高开发效率。本文的主要目标是对OSWorkflow引擎进行研究并应用于某信息管理系统。主要研究工作有:对信息管理系统进行需求分析,包括项目业务概述、业务流程分析并用UML的用例模型对系统业务功能建模,最后得出系统的功能模型;在分析和研究基于J2EE工作流管理系统模型的基础上,把工作流引擎OSWorkflow技术和系统采用的J2EE技术架构整合,并给出系统的技术架构;同时介绍系统所采用的数据库技术;最后本文采用OSWorkflow工作流引擎和J2EE技术,对信息管理系统项目策划管理部分的流程采用OSWorkflwo引擎所支持的xml文件进行流程定义,详细描述其执行过程,并最终给予实现。通过系统应用表明OSWorkflow是轻量级引擎,它能以最小的代价整合到J2EE系统框架中,而且能够对流程部分进行控制管理,使软件开发更关注业务逻辑,因此能使系统功能更完善,开发效率更高。

【Abstract】 Workflow is a kind of managing process that can fully or partially be automated. According to a series of process rules, it transfers and perform the document,information,or task between the executants. Workflow engine is the core software component of the Workflow Management System ,and it is also the main component of driving flow work.This paper introduces the four structures of J2EE technology frame,WfMC standard architecture,WfMC reference model and the function of the Workflow Mamagement System. Then it introduces mostly the main content of the research-OSWorkflow workflow engine including the concepts of the basic elements, the purpose of the key package and the class in common use which are analyzed specifically and studied in depth. Moreover,the main xml configuration files and the core principle are discussed,then the database model of some tables relavant with the workflow engine is given.By using workflow engine OSWorkflow,we could pay more attention to the operation and the definition of rules instead of implementing the Petri net or the Finite State Machine without a hard coded mode,which could improve the efficiency of development. The main objective of this paper is to study OSWorkflow engine and how to apply it for the Information. Management System. The main research work : The requirement of the Information Management System is analyzed,including the summarization of operation,the analysis of the operation workflow and using uml use model modeling for the System. In the end,function model comes;Based on analyzing and researching for the J2EE-based Workflow Management System model,the technology of OSWorkflow engine and J2EE architecture are assembled and the technology of the system is given. Moreover the technology of the system database is introduced; Finally, the flows , in the Scheme Management operation of the Information Management System ,using the technology of OSWorkflow engine and J2EE, are defined in the way of OSWorkflow recognization .The System is implemented and described in detail.The application of system manifests that OSWorkflow is a lightweight engine,which is capable of being integrated into J2EE system frame with small cost. Moreover it can control the management of flows and make the software’s development pay more attention to business logic. In this way,it can modify the function and the efficiency of the system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】256