

Maritime Fraud and Legal Countermeasures under FOB

【作者】 丁杰

【导师】 马炎秋;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来我国对外贸易取得了举世瞩目的成就,2007年我国对外贸易额超过2万亿美元,居世界第3位。中国已成为世界上最大、最活跃的市场之一。近几年来出口做FOB的货量连连飚升,占我国外贸出口量的70%以上,在有些企业甚至超过80%,且还有不断上升的趋势。欺诈者利用FOB的买方负责租船的特点,一方或几方相互勾结,背离诚信原则和商业道德,以不正当或非法手段牟取暴利,损害他人利益,对海上货物运输和国际贸易的顺利履行产生了严重阻碍。于是笔者不遗余力的搜集相关文献和资料,以期将国内外防止FOB海运合同欺诈的法律总结出来,并提出一些具体可行的,操作性比较强的防范措施。本文较系统地论述了FOB术语下海运欺诈问题。本文理论联系实际,通过比较分析的方法、案例分析方法、实证分析方法和辨证分析的方法,较全面地论述了FOB合同下的海运欺诈,重点研究了其中的保函欺诈、提单欺诈和信用证欺诈的问题。通过深入地分析和比较,提出对我国防范FOB合同下海运欺诈的法律防控建议。本文共分五个部分:第一部分:本部分是FOB术语的概述。FOB术语是指装运港船上交货,FOB术语的内容是买卖双方的权利义务。在此基础上,进一步点明买卖双方在风险负担、装船费用以及船货衔接要注意的细节问题。同时,针对一些国家对FOB贸易术语与INCOTERMS2000不同的地方做了明确阐释。最后归结出FOB术语合同的特点。对FOB术语下当事人的识别也是本部分的内容之一,主要分析了承运人、实际承运人、托运人以及收货人的识别。第二部分:本部分是海运欺诈的概述。介绍了海运欺诈的定义,认为海运欺诈是指在国际贸易航运过程中,一方或几方当事人根据其从表面上为另一方当事人履行的特定贸易、运输和财务义务而不正当地、非法地从另一方当事人那里获取金钱、货物(包括船舶)的行为,所以海事欺诈具有违约性、侵权性,是可以被撤销和宣布无效的,从而为分析FOB合同下的海运欺诈的表现形式奠定基础。第三部分:本部分是FOB术语下的保函欺诈。保函欺诈是FOB贸易合同中海运欺诈的重要表现形式之一,从国际条约到各国国内立法,都有关于保函的法律,以便能控制住保函欺诈。反观我国,在与保函相关的立法方面显得比较欠缺,因此完善我国的保函制度,防止保函欺诈成为本章讨论的重点。第四部分:本部分是本部分是FOB术语下的提单欺诈。本部分结合FOB术语重点讨论了提单欺诈中的记名提单欺诈和货代提单欺诈,通过对国际公约及各国国内立法与我国立法制度的比较,找出我国立法的不足,并提出相关完善建议。第五部分:本部分是FOB术语下的信用证欺诈。信用证欺诈是FOB贸易合同中海运欺诈的又一重要形式。虽然国际上缺少相应的国际条约防范、打击信用证欺诈,但各国国内立法却对此十分重视。我国也是信用证诈骗的受害国之一,因此有必要完善我国信用证相关立法,应对信用证欺诈。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China has enjoyed the rapid development in foreign trade. The volumes of foreign trade are expected to exceed US dollars 2000 billion, ranking the third in the world. In these years, the proportion of FOB contracts is mounting up and goes 70 percent; the proportion even goes 80 percent in some enterprises. The deceivers take advantage of the charterparty underwritten by buyer, and collude in each other to get benefit illegally from others. China is also encountered different kinds of maritime frauds, which brought large economical losses to the country and impeded the sound development of China’s external economy. The author of this thesis has collected documents, cases and related sources concerning maritime fraud, with the hope of generalizing the methods used both at home and abroad of preventing maritime fraud, and proposes some concrete and practical precautions that are easily operated.The thesis discusses Maritime Fraud under FOB systematically. With uniting theory with practice, taking the ways of comparative analysis and case analysis, and also considering the methods of positive analysis and dialectical analysis, I have analyzed Maritime Fraud under FOB generally, and studied the fraud of maritime letter of guarantee, bill of lading and letter of credit mainly. Through thoroughly research and compare, the author of this thesis proposes some concrete and practical precautions that are easily operated in our country.The thesis has been divided into five sections:Section I: The summarization of the FOB. In this section, the meaning of FOB is introduced, and the rights and responsibilities of the seller and the buyer under FOB are also discussed, and then analysis the transform of the risk, the bear of loading charge. Finally, the identification of carrier, shipper and consignee is introduced in this section.Section II: The summarization of maritime fraud. In this section, the meaning of maritime fraud is introduced, and concludes that maritime fraud is the deceiver colludes in each other to get benefit,money goods and watercrafts illegally from others, as this basis, the maritime fraud posses the character of illegality and torments. So there must be responsibilities on the deceiver. Then the forms of maritime fraud under FOB are discussed.Section III: The fraud of letter of guarantee under FOB. The fraud of letter of guarantee is one of the forms of maritime transportation under FOB; the international convention and other country’law that respected the fraud under letter of guarantee is introduced. After comparison with that those law, the deficiency of domestic law is found, and some purposes are brought forward to consummate it.Section IV: The fraud of bill of lading under FOB. In this section, the fraud of bill of lading by order and house bill of lading under FOB are discussed mainly. After comparison with the international convention and other country’law the deficiency of domestic law is found, and some purposes are brought forward to consummate it.Section V: The fraud of letter of credit under FOB. The fraud of letter of credit is one of the forms of maritime transportation under FOB. Although there is lack of international convention to regulate it, and the fraud of letter of credit is also regarded by the legislation of all of the country. The fraud of letter of credit is going on his way in our country, and cause tremendous loss to our county’economy, so the consummation of domestic law to regulate it is integrant.

【关键词】 FOB贸易术语海事欺诈法律防控
【Key words】 FOBTrade NomenclatureMaritime FraudLegal Countermeasures