

Study on the Economically-affordable-housing of Our Country

【作者】 贾英

【导师】 郑敬高;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 民革中央提交的《关于政府参与投资建设经济适用房和廉租房的建议》的提案,被2007全国政协会议提案组定为第1号提案。这再次凸现了经济适用房的重要性。经济适用房作为房地产研究的热点和社会各界关注的焦点,在其发展过程中确实出现了许多问题,如,建设超标、购买收入标准界定不合理、分配不公等等。这些问题的出现违背了经济适用住房政策的初衷,造成了不良的社会影响。因此,对经济适用住房运行进行研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文探讨了国内有关经济适用住房问题的相关争论,分析了经济适用住房目前的现状及存在的问题,在分析国外发展住房保障成功案例的基础上,对我国经济适用房进行了制度定位并提出了我国发展经济适用住房的制度优化创新路径。同时本文在最后也提出了经济适用住房作为一种历史性的过渡措施,在目前还应发挥相应作用,但当我国经济水平发展到一定程度同时经济适用住房的作用已完成时,它就应该退出历史的舞台,进而大力发展以商品房、廉租房为主的住房保障供应体系,从而更好的促进我国住房保障的发展,切实解决中低收入阶层的住房问题。本文所采取的研究方法主要有:(1)归纳法。本文归纳了我国经济适用住房国内外研究现状、发展过程中出现的相关争论及国内经济适用住房相关政策。(2)图表分析法。本文通过大量的图表进行直观分析,使读者清楚地看到目前国内经济适用住房价格、供给、需求等方面的内涵。在介绍国外的一些成功案例时,为了使内容更加清晰,也采用了图表分析法。(3)比较分析法。通过分析国内经济适用房的现状、问题,比较国外发展住房保障的成功案例,提出了我国发展经济适用房的创新思路。(4)实证分析法。结合国外经验,对我国经济适用房进行实证分析,提出了我国发展经济适用房的制度优化创新路径。本文共分五章:第一章是绪论,介绍了经济适用房问题的提出,国内外研究现状及国内有关经济适用住房问题的争论;第二章介绍了我国经济适用住房政策分别写了经济适用房的由来、背景、我国经济适用住房政策的基本内容;第三章从经济适用住房的供给、价格、需求三个方面分析了经济适用住房的基本现状,剖析了经济适用房运行过程中出现的问题及产生问题的原因;第四章他山之石,可以攻玉。分析了海外住房保障的模式、案例及对我国的启示;第五章首先对经济适用房进行制度定位然后从个六个方面提出了我国发展经济适用住房的制度优化创新路径。同时指明随着经济水平的提高,经济适用房应逐步退出历史的舞台,转而发展以商品房和廉租房为主的住房保障供应体系。

【Abstract】 Submitted by the National Committee of the Chinese People,Suggestions on the Participation of the Government in investing the construction of the Econimically affordable housing(EAH) was decided to be No.1 proposed by 2007 NPC and CPPCC, which highlights the importance of the EAH. EAH is a foucs of the society and the real estate and many problems appear in EAH, such as the construction of the super housing,improposal partition in purchase of income standard, unjust allotment, and so on.These problems contrary to the original direction of the EAH policy incur bad social impacts. Therefore, the resarch on the EAH is of great theoretical and practical significance. This thesis overviews the related disaggred issue in the Domestic EAH, analyzes present conditions and the problems existing in the EAH, fixs the system position of EAH, puts forward the excellent creative path of the system,based on the succeed case example of foreign countries developing the housing guarantee. At the same time in the end of the thesis putting forward EAH as a historic transitional measure should still develop correspond function so far, But our country economy level develops to certain extent and the function of the EAH completes, EAH should withdraw the historical satge. Our country establishs a layered structure in housing supply including commercial housing and rent-cheap housing.It will help to construct the guarantee housing and solve the housing problems of the middle and low-income family.The main research methods in this thesis are as follows:(1) Induction. Induce the previous studies at home and abroad, domestic disaggred issue related EAH and domestic policy of EAH.(2)Analysis method of the chart.The thesis keeps the view analysis from many charts so as to see clearly the content of pricing,supply,need and the succeed case examples of foreign countries to the reader.(3) Comparison and analysis.The thesis analyzes present conditions, problems,comparizes the succeed case examples of foreign countries developing the housing guarantee and provides creative thinking of EAH of our country.(4) Empiricism and analysis.The thesis combines the experiences of foreing countries,gives the method of Empiricism and analysis to EAH and puts forward the excellent creative path of the system .This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter I is introduction mainly introducing the problem of EAH, the previous studies at home and abroad, domestic disaggred issue related EAH. Chapter II ovreviews fundamental situations of the EAH, expounds the formation, background, related policy of EAH. Chapter III analyzes the current operational situation of the EAH, from three aspects: supply, pricing and need and summarizing the problems and reasons arising from the implementation of the EAH. Chapter IV reviews the succeed case examples of foreign countries developing the housing guarantee,so as to provide referential experience to the implementation of the EAH in China Chapter V fixs the system position of EAH and puts forward the excellent creative path of the system from six aspects. At the same time indicates EAH should withdraw the historical satge accomopany to the raising of the economy level and develop the guarantee housing mainly including rent-cheap housing and commercial housing .
