

The Research of Administrative Rational Juridical Review System

【作者】 郝海滢

【导师】 陈书全;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 行政自由裁量权的扩大是社会发展的必然趋势。虽然行政组织有可能通过某种程度的自律限制自身的自由裁量权,但行政对效率的偏执使得这种限制并不足以确保公民的权利不受侵害。因此在分权体制下,司法权对行政自由裁量权的监督,成为控制行政自由裁量权的重要手段,加强对行政自由裁量权的司法控制也就成为依法行政的必然要求。目前世界各国对行政自由裁量权司法控制主要表现在对自由裁量行为进行合理性司法审查。论文在对英国、德国以及我国台湾地区的合理性司法审查制度研究的基础上,提出了构建我国合理性司法审查制度的设想。本文共分三个部分第一部分,行政自由裁量权是行政主体在法定权限范围内,行政权力缺乏羁束性规定的情况下,自主行使的权力。行政裁量权具有易被滥用的特点,但是传统的合法性原则对控制行政自由裁量权的行使显然是软弱无力的,为了控制行政自由裁量权的滥用,各国纷纷确立了不同形式的司法审查制度。论文在第一部分从行政自由裁量权的概念、产生、发展入手提出对自由裁量权进行司法控制是法治国家的必然要求。为控制自由裁量权的滥用,各国确立了合理性司法审查制度文中笔者分别介绍了英国、德国以及我国台湾地区合理性司法审查原则的确立情况,以及合理性司法审查原则在我国的现状。第二部分,随着行政自由裁量权的的产生、扩张,控制行政自由裁量权成为法治国家的必然要求,合理性司法审查的原则作为一种适应现代行政法治发展需要的,法律控权方式中最精致、最合理的综合性原则,在西方法制国家得以确立。由于历史的原因,对于合理性司法审查的内容和方式在世界各国是不一样的,作者在文章中分别介绍了英国、德国和我国台湾地区的合理性司法审查发展情况。这些国家和地区的合理性司法审查理论与实践经验对我国建立行政合理性司法审查制度有着重要的指导作用。我国目前在行政诉讼领域所采用的以合法性为原则以合理性为例外的司法审查原则显然已经落后于政治、经济发展的需要,因此,在我国确立合理性司法审查原则,从而控制行政自由裁量权是非常必要的。第三部分,从世界其他国家的合理性司法审查状况可以看出,合理性司法审查原则的确立不仅仅是一项立法的完善,它需要相关的组织体系等一系列制度的保障。尤其是在我国目前的行政诉讼运行机制下,要实现合理性司法审查的良性运行,必然要进行制度上的重构。借鉴西方国家的实践经验,论文中设想我国的合理性司法审查制度可以从以下几个方面构建:第一,修改《行政诉讼法》及其他相关法律法规,在立法上确立合理性司法审查原则;第二,设立行政法院,从组织体系上保障行政司法的独立,实现合理性司法审查的有效运行;第三,实行判例制度,以此指导合理性司法审查的司法实践,确保合理性司法审查价值判断的稳定性;第四,在司法审查实践中,借鉴比例原则对合理性司法审查设定审查标准与模式,以其合理性司法审查原则能够在司法实践中得以应用。

【Abstract】 The expansion of administrative discretionary power is an inevitable trend. Administrative organization may restrict its discretionary power through self-discipline, but the administrative crankiness to efficiency can not fully prevent the infringement of civil rights. Under the authority decentralization system, the jurisdictional supervision on administrative discretionary power is an important tool to control the administrative discretionary power. To strengthen the jurisdictional supervision on administrative discretionary power becomes an inevitable trend. Nowadays, the jurisdictional control on administrative discretionary power mainly means rational juridical review on discretionary power all over the world. Basing on the researches of juridical review system in Britain, Germany and Taiwan in China, the thesis presents propositions on constructing a rational juridical review system in our country. It consists of three parts.Part one: administrative discretionary power is the free right of the administrative body within statutory authority when there is little binding force on administrative power. Administrative discretionary power features in easy abuse and the traditional principle of legality is helpless. Countries establish various juridical review systems to prevent the abuse on administrative discretionary power. The first part of the thesis introduces the concept, birth and development of administrative discretionary power states that to impose juridical control on administrative discretionary power is an inevitable requirement to construct a country practicing the rule of law. Here the author introduces the establishment of juridical review systems in Britain, Germany and Taiwan in China, together with the status quo of the principle of rational juridical review in China.Part Two: Along with the generation and expansion of administrative discretionary power, the control on the administrative discretionary power has become an inevitable requirement to construct a country practicing the rule of law. The principle of rational juridical review system was established in western countries as the most delicate and the most rational principle that suits the development of modern administrative law. The rational juridical review systems among countries differ a lot in terms of content and manner due to historical reasons. The author introduces the development of rational juridical review systems in Britain, Germany and Taiwan in China. The theories and practical experiences in these countries and regions provide important guidance for the establishing a rational juridical review system in China. The present juridical review system used in administrative proceeding in China follows that validity is the principle and rationality is an exception, which is definitely not adaptive to the polical and economic development. So it is quite necessary to establish rational juridical review system in China to control administrative discretionary power.Part Three: according to the rational juridical review systems in countries among the world, the establishment of the rational juridical review system means beyond the perfection of law and a series of relevant system assurances. Recontruction of the system is a necessity to accomplish a good function of the rational juridical review system, especially under the present juridical processing system in our country. Learning from the practical experiences of western countries, the thesis presents some propositions on how to establish the rational juridical review system in our country: first is to revise Administrative Processing Law and other relevant laws and regulations and to establish the rational juridical review principle in lawmaking. Second is to set administrative court to assure a juridical separation to accomplish the effective function of the rational juridical review system; third is to set conviction case institution to guide the juridical practice of the rational juridical review system for the stability of right valuation of rational juridical review system; forth is to set the standard and mode of rational juridical review system basing on the proportional principle in the practice of juridical review, in order that the rational juridical review system could be used in the practice of juridical review.
