

Design of Management System for Large Water Consumer Based on Uclinux

【作者】 袁娟

【导师】 孙克怡;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 光学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,随着社会的进步、工业的发展,水作为社会生产、人民生活所必需的最重要的资源之一供需要求逐年紧张。而在供水公司计量系统中,大表计量部分占到了总供水量的很大部分,尤其在大中城市和工业发达地区,所占比例更高。为了解决这一全世界普遍存在的水资源供、需矛盾,结合远程监测和数据分析系统、多方位地管理大用户用水计量成为当今迫切需要解决的问题。本文介绍了一种基于uclinux的大用户用水管理系统,该系统主要由数据采集,数据通信,数据处理分析和用水情况监控等几部分组成,本课题利用GPRS网络通信实现数据的实时和高速传输,可准确的计量累计用水量,瞬时用水量;根据用水量绘出流量曲线图;还具有强大的数据分析及数据存储功能;紧急情况报警、欠费通知以及电压检测;通过无线上网随时进行软件升级等功能。在软件开发中,充分利用uclinux作为多任务操作系统的特点,实现了系统中多进程之间的协调运行。本文首先论述了大用户用水管理系统的研究背景及研究意义。在此基础上,结合了大用户用水系统的特点,提出了该系统的软、硬件实现方案,详细阐明了该系统的硬件和软件实现方案。重点介绍了系统的硬件构成,uclinux下gprs拨号上网的实现、文件系统的搭建、硬件驱动程序编写、软件架构、应用程序实现等,并详细说明了系统实现中采用的一些软件技术和策略。本文所设计的基于uclinux大用户用水管理系统具有功能完善,计量准确通信可靠的优点。随着自动化技术、通信技术和计算机技术的发展,利用GPRS公共网络方式进行远距离控制和数据传输,成本会越来越低,通信也更加可靠,该系统将会有更加广泛的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Since 21th century, it has been more and more difficult to meet the needs for the water which is one the essential resources in people’s lives as the development of the industry and whole society. In the quantitative system of the water supplying companies, large water consumer accounts most in the whole water supply. It would be even more in big and medium-sized cities or developed in industry areas. The large water consumer should be managed systematically and synthetically with long distance monitoring and data analyzing to meet the needs for water of the whole world.The management system for large water consumer based on uclinux is introduced in this paper. And it consists of data collecting, communication, data processing and analyzing, and monitoring. The real-time and high-speed data communication is realized with GPRS network communication. The system could measure water usage accurately, generate the curve graphs, alarm under urgent circumstances, store and analyze data. And the function of arrears notice and voltage detecting is also included. It could be updated through wireless network. The multi-process communication is realized in software development for uclinux is the multi-task operating system.The research background and significance of the management system for large water consumer are firstly introduced. According to the characteristic of the system, a scheme is given to illustrate the project element. A more detail specification of hardware and software is brought forward. It stress on the system’s configuration of hardware, GPRS communication under uclinux , file system establishment, hardware drive program, software architecture and the application program etc. some important soft technical and policy is supplied. The management system for large water consumer based on uclinux is featured with perfect functions, accurate measurement and reliable communication. With the development of automatic technology, computer technology and communication technology, the cost will be lower, the communication will be more reliable by the use of GPRS public network to transfer and receive data. The quantitative system of water supply based on GPRS will have a prosperous prospect.

【关键词】 armuclinuxgprstcp/ip短消息
【Key words】 armuclinuxgprstcp/ipSMS