

The Legal Way of Perfecting Marine Environmental Monitoring in China

【作者】 董莹莹

【导师】 马英杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类海上活动的不断增加和海洋经济的持续快速发展,海洋环境受到严重威胁,如何能够更好地关心和爱护海洋,合理开发利用海洋资源,维护海洋生态的健康发展,已成为社会和经济可持续发展的重要组成部分。然而保护海洋环境的前提就要充分了解海洋环境的状况及其发展变化的规律,海洋环境监测作为海洋环境管理的基础工作,成为保护海洋环境的关键。海洋环境监测是人类认识海洋、掌握海洋环境条件及其变化趋势的重要手段之一,从某种意义上讲,海洋环境监测的能力,直接影响着海洋资源开发和海洋环境保护的程度和效果。我国是一个海洋大国,各级政府部门在大力推进海洋开发利用的同时,对海洋环境监测工作也给予了相当的关注,已初步建立了一个运转较灵活的监测系统,业务管理不断深化,监测质量与技术水平得到提高,监测的内容也逐渐丰富,为减缓近海环境污染、保护海洋环境与资源做出了应有的贡献。但是,由于我国对海洋要素影响和海洋灾害的认识尚存在不足,建立海洋环境监测体系的水平有限,导致海洋环境监测无论与本国海洋经济发展的需求,还是与发达国家水平相比,都有较大差距,存在不少问题,亟待通过法律制度进行规范。因此有必要通过学习国际、国外海洋环境监测的法律制度和管理体制,借鉴先进经验,引入准确的研究资料,来弥补我国海洋环境监测法律制度和管理上的不足,通过健全法律制度更有效的保障海洋环境监测工作的进一步发展完善。本文围绕我国海洋环境监测法律管理工作,着重讨论了五个方面的问题。第一部分是对基本问题的阐述,给出了海洋环境监测的概念与内涵、地位与作用;第二部分总结了我国海洋环境监测工作的现状和发展,概述我国海洋环境监测工作中各个发展阶段的法律制度和管理体制,并总结我国海洋环境监测工作中的各种法律制度,提出通过法律途径解决这些问题的必要性和现实性;第三部分概述了国外海洋环境监测基本状况,主要介绍国外海洋环境监测的法律制度和管理体制及其实施情况,其中包括许多发达国家如美国、英国、日本等国家的海洋环境监测制度,以及国际或区域间海洋环境监测组织开展的各类海洋环境监测活动的实施情况,并总结了发达国家海洋环境监测的经验教训;第四部分剖析了目前存在的问题,找出造成这种现状的深层次的制度原因,提出完善我国海洋环境监测制度的迫切性;第五部分通过对比国外先进的海洋环境监测制度和管理经验,结合我国海洋环境监测现状,重点讨论了相关对策建议,从健全法律法规、改革管理体制、重视规划计划等方面提出了我国海洋环境监测发展的建议。希望本文能对我国今后海洋监测工作的建设及海洋管理工作有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the emerging environmental issues, the marine environment receives threats seriously. How to care about the sea better and use the marine resources reasonably have become a important component in the social and economical sustainable development. However, the premise of protecting marine environment needs to understand the conditions and the rules of the marine environment thoroughly. Because marine environmental monitoring is the foundation work in the marine environmental managements, therefore it becomes the essential work in marine environmental protection. In a degree, the ability of marine environmental monitoring influence the effects of marine environmental protections immediately.China is a big maritime state, protecting marine environment has become an important task of the Chinese government. At present, China has initially established a legal system of marine environmental monitoring, the professional management deepens unceasingly, and the contents of monitoring also enriches gradually. From these causes, the paralic environmental pollution has slowed down and the marine environment has been protected effectively. But because our country’s insufficient cognition in marine calamities and influences, the level of establishing marine environmental monitoring is limited. As a result, our country has a big disparity compared with the developed countries and the economic demands. So it needs to standard the marine environmental monitoring urgently through the legal system. We also need to study the overseas legal and the managerial system of marine environmental monitoring. At the time, we should profit from the advanced experiences, introduce the accurate research material, in order to make up the insufficient legal and managerial system of marine environmental monitoring in our country. In brief, we must perfect the legal system in order to safeguard the further development of marine environmental monitoring. This article researches into our country’s legal system of marine environmental monitoring, discusses five aspects emphatically. The first part is the elaboration of basic questions, including concept and connotation, the status and the function of the marine environmental monitoring; The second part summarizes our country’s present situation and the development phase of our country’s legal and managerial system of marine environmental monitoring, and then proposes the necessity and feasibility to solve these questions through the legal way; The third part outlines the basic condition of overseas marine environmental monitoring, mainly introduce overseas legal and managerial system and practice situation of marine environmental monitoring, including many developed countries like US, Britain, Japan and so on, then summarizes their experiences; The fourth part analyzes the present existential questions, discovers the deep legal reasons, proposes the necessity of consummating the legal and managerial system of marine environmental monitoring in our country; The fifth part discusses the related countermeasures through comparison, the comparison among the overseas advanced marine environmental monitoring system and the managerial experience, and also pays great attention to unify our country actual situations, finally, the artical proposes some suggestions of consummating the legal and managerial system of marine environmental monitoring from many aspects, for instance consummating legal system and regulations, reforming managerial system and so on. Hoped that this article has certain reference value in the marine environmental monitoring and the marine management in our country.

【关键词】 海洋环境监测法律途径
【Key words】 OceanEnvironmental monitoringLegal way