

Development of Supervisory Control System for Safety Disposal of Diseased Livestock Based on Kingview

【作者】 王旭光

【导师】 褚东升;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对畜牧无害化处理现场设备及其控制器和畜牧无害化处理工艺进行研究的基础上,开发了国内第一套利用高温高压方法进行畜牧无害化处理的全过程中央监控系统,该系统将于近期投入使用。介绍了国内外畜牧无害化处理技术的发展现状,指出设计开发一套用于实现畜牧无害化处理过程完全自动化的中央监控系统的必要性和现实意义。在调查研究和深入分析用户需求的基础上,结合现场工艺、设备及其现场控制器的类型,提出了对高温高压消毒罐、粉碎机、包装机、牵引车等设备进行远程监视和控制的监控系统设计方案。通过组态软件(组态王)开发上位机监控系统,监控系统采用星型网络拓扑结构同下位机(PLC、变频器、智能仪表)相连,以RS485方式通信,构成一个具有设备层、现场控制层、过程监控层三层结构的网络化计算机监督与控制系统。另外,在三菱PLC协议的基础上,设计了用于上位机和PLC间命令握手的状态转换协议;同时,提出了通过在组态王画面中嵌入ActiveX控件,以其作为中介实现上位机和电子地衡仪表通信的方案,解决了组态王缺少该智能仪表设备驱动的问题。根据监控系统的设计方案,开发了用于人机交互的主监控画面和各子系统的监控画面;通过组态王的“设备配置向导”定义外部设备,实现了上位机和下位机(PLC、变频器)之间的通信,并在此基础上,利用数据改变命令语言实现了上位机和PLC间的自定义协议;在VB集成开发环境下编写了ActiveX控件,实现了上位机和电子地衡仪表的通信;编写了控制程序,实现了无害化处理过程的自动化和设备的远程手动控制。另外,监控系统还具有报警实时显示和故障定位功能,报表功能,数据的曲线显示和查询功能和系统安全管理功能。在实验室模拟环境下完成了监控系统的仿真调试,这样可以缩短现场调试的周期,减少现场调试带来的经济损失和风险。实验室模拟环境包括高温高压大罐模拟系统、粉碎模拟系统、喷淋消毒模拟系统;仿真调试过程分为单机调试和多设备联机调试两个阶段,单机调试完成了对监控程序中的子系统控制模块的调试,联机调试完成了监控系统在畜牧无害化处理过程正常运行和发生故障两种情况下自动控制程序、报表程序、历史趋势曲线程序等程序模块的调试。仿真调试初步验证了监控系统的可靠性。最后,对畜牧无害化处理监控系统的设计和开发工作进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 Based on research on the devices and the process of safety disposal of diseasedlivestock,thefirst domestic supervisorycontrol system forsafetydisposal ofdiseasedlivestock is successfully developed, the technique kernel of which is the method ofhightemperatureandhighpressure.Thesystemistocomeintouseinfuture.The thesis introduces the development status of technology of safety disposal ofdiseased livestock at home and abroad, then makes a conclusion that it is necessaryand useful to develop the supervisory control system for safety disposal of diseasedlivestocktoachievetheautomationofthesafetydisposalprocess.On the basis of research on requests of customs, the thesis researches andanalyzes the process of safety disposal of diseased livestock, devices and its’thecontroller type, then puts forward the design plan of supervisory control systemremotelymonitoringand controllingaautoclave, apulverizer,apackagingmachine,atrailer tractor, and so on. The supervisory control system is designed to be the systemwithtriplex layerstructure(devicelayer,localcontrollayer,process-monitoringlayer),which connects with lower machines (PLC, frequency converters, and a intelligentinstrument) by star network topology structure, and communicates with lowermachines by RS485. The Kingview configuration software is chosen to be a quickdeveloping tool. In addition, the state-change-protocol applied to command-shakesbetween upper machine (IPC) and lower machine (PLC) is designed, based on PLCprivileged protocol. And a plan is put forward that embedding a custom ActiveXcontrol into Kingview picture to implement the data communication between IPC andthe weight intelligent instrument and solve the problem of the lack of device driver oftheintelligentinstrumentinKingview.Accordingtothedesignofsupervisorycontrolsystem,amainpicturemonitoringall the devices and a few sub pictures monitoring the devices of subsystem aredeveloped as human-machine interface. The data communication between IPC andlower machines (PLC, frequency converters) is implemented by“devicesconfiguration guide”in Kingview to define external devices, then custom protocoldefined on the basis of PLC privileged protocol to return the execution result ofcommands of IPC is implemented by using“data change command language”which Kingview supplies for developers to edit script language. An ActiveX control isfinished in the VB IDE as a medium to implement the data communication betweenIPC and the intelligent instrument. The main control program is made to implementthe automation of the process of safety disposal of diseased livestock and remotemanual control of devices. In addition, the supervisory control system also providessuch functions as real-time alarm, fault location, report, trend curve, and safetymanagementofsystem.The thesis completes the adjustment of supervisory control system in thesimulation environment of laboratory, that could shorten the period of adjustment onthe site and reduce the economic losses. The laboratory simulation environmentincludes aautoclave simulationsystem,apulverizer simulationsystem andasprayingsimulation system. The whole adjustment process is separated into twostages. In thefirst stage, the adjustment of sub system program modules is finished. In the secondstage, the whole adjustment of the system control program is finished when theautomation process of safety disposal of diseased livestock is respectively normal orat fault. The system control program includes a automation control module, a reportmodule, historical curve module, and so on. The adjustment in the simulationenvironmentprovesthatthesupervisorycontrolsystemisofhighreliability.In the end, the thesis summaries the entire design work and forecasts futureapplicationofthesupervisorycontrolsystemdisposingdiseasedlivestocksafely.
