

Research on Design Parameters of Wave of Ao Shan Bay

【作者】 谷学准

【导师】 于定勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 海岸工程的设计、建设需要工程水域的水文设计参数,而水文设计参数常用附近的水文观测站资料进行推算。但是目前,我国水文观测站数量少,分布不均匀,造成许多地方缺少长期的水文观测资料,如鳌山湾水域,从而给水文设计参数的确定带来了困难。针对鳌山湾水域缺少长期观测资料的情况,本文结合工程实例利用现有资料具体分析推算出鳌山湾水域的水文设计参数。推算鳌山湾水域水文设计参数时,所作工作如下:1、确定鳌山湾水域的设计水位。由青岛大港验潮站的长期水文观测资料,利用相关分析法,获得鳌山湾水域的极值水位。2、根据鳌山湾连续一年历时潮位资料的绘制累积频率曲线,推算出该水域的设计高、低水位。3、由国家气象局发布的东亚地面天气图实况资料,利用中国海洋大学提出的新型混合型海浪数值模式,计算获得鳌山湾的深水波要素。4、将上述工程设计水位和深水波要素作为初始条件,利用海浪谱折绕射联合数学模型推算了鳌山湾马斯特船厂项目的近岸波要素。上述推算结果为马斯特船厂项目的设计、施工提供了依据。本文所述推算水文设计参数的思路可以应用在其它缺少长期实测波浪资料的海域。

【Abstract】 Hydrologic design parameters, usually calculated via the field data from nearby observation station, play an important part in Coastal engineering. However, it is worth noting that long-term field data is deficient in many coastal areas due to the small amount and uneven distribution of stations. Consequently, it is difficult to get the accurate design parameters as expectation. In this dissertation, Aoshan Bay is taken for example.As is well-known, long-term field data is short in Aoshan Bay which makes the hydrologic design parameters are hard to obtain. In this paper, the design parameters in specified area, applied to the design of Maste Boatyard, are calculated and analyzed in a practical way.Based on the limited field data of Dagang site, extreme water level in Aoshan Bay is predicted via the correlation analysis method; then, design tide levels are determined from the curve of accumulated frequency plotted with one year observation. In terms of synoptic chart data of East Asia from National Meteorology Bureau, wave elements here are computed according to a new composite wave model of Ocean University of China. Accordingly, offshore wave elements near Maste Boatyard are calculated from wave spectrum numerical model of joint diffraction and refraction.The results suggest the design of Maste boatyard effected by the wave of NE、E、SE、S. Furthermore, it shows a potential method to obtain the engineering design parameters in short of long-term field data.
