

Research on Innovation Ability of Scientific and Technological Personnel in Colleges and Universities of China

【作者】 李张聪

【导师】 廖和平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高校科技人员是指在高等院校中,或从事知识创造与传播,或从事科学技术生产、传播、转化、产业化及其提供科技服务,或两者兼而有之的相关人员。高校科技人员创新能力的强弱,既与我国能否积极回应世界新技术革命的挑战密切相关,又与我国能否有力推进“科教兴国”战略紧密相连,同时还决定着高校自身发展的兴衰成败。如何进一步增强高校科技人员的创新能力,是我国社会主义现代化建设中面临的一个不可回避的现实问题。本文就此问题进行了如下方面的研究:一、分析了高校科技人员创新能力的内涵及构成因素。认为高校科技人员创新能力,是指高校科技人员有目的、有计划地依托自身的素质,有效利用各种创新资源(包括设备、经费等有形资源和政策机制、科研管理等无形资源),在知识创新与传播、技术创新和成果转化等活动中,所表现出的创新资源获取能力、创新成果产出能力、创新成果转化能力和创新人才培养能力等。二、概述了我国高校科技人员创新能力的现状。一方面,从我国高校科技人员创新工作取得的可喜成绩入手,阐述其不断增强的创新能力;另一方面,从我国高校科技人员的创新工作中存在的差距着眼,分析我国高校科技人员创新能力的不足之处。三、剖析了制约我国高校科技人员创新能力的主要原因。认为研发经费投入不足、教育体制改革滞后、科研管理状态不佳等是制约我国高校科技人员创新能力发挥的主要障碍,人事分配制度的改革没有紧密结合高校科技人员的物质和精神需要,内外合作交流程度的欠缺等致使我国高校科技人员创新活力不够,我国高校创新文化的不尽完备、创新氛围的不尽人意也影响着高校科技人员创新潜能的充分滋长。四、提出了增强我国高校科技人员创新能力的主要对策。认为广泛筹措研发经费,改善高校科技人员的创新条件;深化高等教育改革,增强高校科技人员的创新素质;优化高校科研管理,激发高校科技人员的创新活力;坚持以人为本理念,激励高校科技人员的创新热情;加强内外合作交流,凝聚高校科技人员的创新合力;建设科技创新文化,营造高校科技人员的创新氛围等,有利于增强我国高校科技人员的创新能力。

【Abstract】 Scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities refers to the relevant personnel in colleges and universities who are engaged in knowledge creation and dissemination, or production, dissemination, transformation and industrialization of science and technology and providing technology services, or both.The innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities concerns closely with both whether China can actively respond to the challenge of new technology revolution in the world and whether China can vigorously implement the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education, and relates directly to an university’s prosperity and decline success or failure as well. How to further enhance the innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities is an unavoidable realistic issue in the process of socialist modernization of China. The paper hereby makes the following researches on the issue:1. Analyze the connotations and constituent elements of the innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities. The paper proposes that the innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities refers to the obtaining ability of innovative resources, producing ability of innovation results, transformation ability of innovation result and the training ability of innovation talents of the scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities who have a purpose and plan to rely on their own qualities to efficiently exploit various innovation resources (including equipments, expenses and other tangible resources and policy mechanism, scientific research management and other intangible resources) in the activities of innovation and dissemination of knowledge, technology innovation and achievement transformation, etc.2. Summarize the present situation of the innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China. On the one hand, the paper starts from the remarkable achievements of innovation works of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China and illustrates the constantly improving innovation ability. On the other hand, with a view to the gap in the innovation work of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China, the paper analyzes the shortcomings of their innovation ability. 3. Analyze the main reasons that restrict the innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China. The paper proposes that the insufficient input into research and development, backward education system reform, malpractice of scientific research management are the main hurdles that restrict the full play of innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China. Several reasons that also hamper the full play of innovation potential of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities are that the reform of personnel and distribution systems is not closely integrated with the material and spiritual demands of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities, the short of exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries leads to the lack of innovation vigor of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China and there exists incomplete innovation culture and unsatisfying innovation atmosphere in Chinese universities.4. Bring forward the main countermeasures in strengthening the innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China. The paper considers that the following measures are favorable to the strengthening of innovation ability of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China: raise the research and development funds through a variety of channels to improve the innovation conditions of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China; deepen the reform of higher education to enhance the innovation quality of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities; optimize the management of university scientific research to encourage the innovation vigor of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities; adhere to the principle of proceeding from the human needs to promote the innovation passion of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities in China; strengthen the exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries to concentrate the innovation composite forces of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities; build innovation culture of science and technology to create innovation atmosphere for scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities.
