

Analysis on Hu Linyi’s Military Thought

【作者】 孙凤龙

【导师】 彭先国;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 胡林翼是湘军的核心将领,在贵州担任知府多年,其间因捕盗剿匪,声名鹊起。咸丰四年,以“知兵”调任湖北,参与镇压太平天国运动。咸丰十一年八月病死武昌。在十几年的军事生涯中,形成了系统的军事思想,主要包括:建军思想,采取裁汰冗杂与招募奏调相结合的方法,大肆整军建军。不仅选将唯才是举,而且严格控制兵员的数量和质量,同时萌生了组建合成军队的思想。治军思想,规范制度,严格纪律;爱人以德,待人以诚。狠抓军队管理、内部人际关系的调整以及军民关系,保证军队战斗力。战略思想,以关照全盘的大局观采取以上制下,步步进逼的策略。并注意量敌用兵,积极防御,用剿于境外的策略达到守于境内的目的。战术思想,继承了我国古代优秀的军事思想,提出“以静制动,以主待客,以整御散,以逸待劳”的策略;在临阵对敌时,注意处理集中与分散的关系,主张“先期合力,必求其厚,临阵分枝,不嫌其散”。间谍思想,他认为“间谍为行军之要”,因此在交战中,要注意四面放探,侦查对方虚实。而针对承平日久,线人难寻的状况,他则提出了重赏的策略。军事技术思想,重视合理使用兵器,主张增大水师炮位模范。但针对部分人对大炮的过于青睐,他则提出了“铜炮宜于守城,宜于水师,不宜于步兵”的见解。同时又善于利用有组织的武装力量即军队的战斗队形来和交战方对抗。他从实战出发,充分考虑作战士兵心理,制定了长短相间的阵法,大大提高了湘鄂军的野战能力。民防思想,他从保甲、团练、堡垒和碉楼四个方面做了论述。认为保甲是“守令之第一要政”,是清内患、勤抚字、严催科之根本;团练则是御外侮之不可或缺,是“救时之先务”,二者相辅相成。在堡垒和碉楼方面,他认为,“清野则贼无所掠,坚壁则民有所恃”,从而做到节民之才用,济兵力之穷。军需思想,本着“多尽一分力,少谋一分利”的原则,对官员进行崇义贱利的政治教育,从而保证有限的饷银置办到更多的军需。综合胡林翼的军事思想,可以感受出其理学性、传承性、发展性、实用性的特点,在中国军事思想史上,起到了承前启后的作用。说“承前”,是因为他的军事思想深深地植根于传统文化的土壤,通身洋溢着传统军事思想的光芒;说“启后”,是因为胡林翼以其浓厚的理学背景对传统兵学做出了许多新的诠释,提出了许多富有借鉴意义的命题,不仅推动了传统兵学的发展,而且对后代也产生了很大的启迪作用。当然,胡林翼的军事思想也有明显的局限性,作为地主阶级一员,其阶级性不言而喻。除此以外,由其与同时代的林则徐、魏源的认知差距来看,由其对新兴事物的漠视来看,其保守性也是一目了然的。但在湘军将领中,像胡林翼这样有军事理论建树的人是不多见的。他的军事思想对当时及后世都产生了很大影响。研究胡林翼的军事思想,不仅可以从更广阔的角度诠释太平天国运动失败的原因,推动太平天国史和农民战争史的研究向深度和广度发展,而且胡林翼的许多军事思想符合现代军事科学的规律,对当今的部队建设及军事学研究也有很好的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Hu Linyi is one of the important military officials of Xiangjun in late Qing dynasty. He was appointed as the governor of Guizhou for years. During his governor prefecture , he caught the robbers and did bandit suppression, thus his reputation rose. In Xianfeng fourth year, He was transferred to a new post in Hubei for the need of suppression of the Taiping Heaven Kingdom Movement. He died of illness in Wuchang in August of Xianfeng eleventh year. More than 10 years of military practice has helped him form a system of military thought ,which including:The founding thought on an armed force was to adopt reduces and recruits to play the phase modulation union, which wantonly armed forces founding an armed force. Not only was the election of the good would be given, also strict control of quantity and quality of troops would be done. Then formation of the initiation of military thought.The training troops thought was the standardized system, strict discipline; wife to Germany, and treat people with sincerity. Pay close attention to the management, internal relationships and the adjustment of civil-military relations, and ensure the armed forces combat capability.Strategic thought was the far-sight, comprehensive care to the whole to take over the system and step by step strategy. And pay attention to enemy forces, then take active defense, with the outside of the killing enemies strategy to achieve the objective of the territory.Tactical thought, inherited the outstanding ancient China’s military thinking, is the "static to brake to the main hospitality to the entire Royal scattered to the Yat question"; the strategy in fighting with enemy, was to address the relationship between the concentration and dispersion, advocating " Early efforts will be seeking for the full use of the army, to divide the whole into branches before fight.Spy thought. he considered that a spy played an important role in the whole combat. Therefore, in the war, attention should be paid in four-exploration, detecting the actual situation about enemy. For the hardness to find informers, he proposed high reward strategy.Military technology thought. He paid attention to the rational use of weapons, advocated increasing marine armed ship models. But some people were in favor of guns, he proposed a opinion of“supply of copper Gun is suitable for guarding, for marine troops but not for the infantry”. At the same time , he made full use of armed forces or organized army warring parties to meet confrontation. His analysis from actual combat pratices, giving full consideration to soldiers’psychological operations, developing a good combating system, greatly improved the military combating capability of Hunan and Hubei troops.Civil Defence thought was done on four aspects: Bao-Jia, Tuanlian, the fortress and towers. Bao-Jia was that“the first thing to do for guarding”, to remve suffering from the Qing, a reminder of the fundamental Branch; Tuanlian is an integral part of resisting the foreign aggression,“was important for keeping integral”. The two are mutually complementary . And about towers in, he believes that“no-wild while thieves ransacked while the fort was dependable”. This is of use to the people and economic strength.Quartermaster thought was of "doing more and less work for the benefit of himself" principle, political education to the officials on virtues so as to ensure that the limited money was spent on more quartermaster.From Hu Linyi integrated military thought, we can feel its physical nature, transmission, development, practical features. It played a role in the history of China’s military thought. By the former, it is because of his military thought deeply rooted in the traditional culture soil, imbued with the light of traditional military thought.Hu Linyi has made many new interpretation to traditional military studies , also made many rich references or propositions.It not only promoted the development of traditional military studies, but also had a great enlightenment for future generations.Of course, the military thought of Hu Linyi has obvious limitations. As a member of landlord class, its class nature is evident. In addition, compared with Lin Zexu, Wei Yuan cognitive gap, by ignoring of the view of emerging things, the conservative is also clear. But of Hunan military officers at that time, the people like Hu Linyi who had military achievements was rare. His military thought has had great impact on his and future generations. Studying on the military thought of Hu Linyi, we can not only get another interpretation for the failure of the Taiping Heaven Kingdom movement from a broader perspective, also promote the studying depth and breadth on history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and farmers war history. Much of the military thought of Hu Linyi is in line with the current modern military science , which provies a good reference to our modern army development and military studies.

【关键词】 湘军胡林翼军事思想
【Key words】 XiangjunHu Linyimilitary thought
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期