

Studies on Technics and Antihyperlipidemic Effect of Probiotics Koumiss Tablets

【作者】 周海军

【导师】 博·格日勒图;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 有机化学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 酸马奶(Koumiss,kumis,kumys,coomys,chige,airag)是以新鲜马奶为原料,经乳酸菌和酵母菌等微生物共同自然发酵形成的酸性低酒精含量乳饮料。含丰富的蛋白质、糖、不饱和脂肪酸、低分子脂肪酸、多种维生素及钙、铁、镁、磷、钾、碘、铜、锰、锌等多种元素。各种营养成分含量接近人奶,可做人奶的代用品,有极高的营养价值。饮用酸马奶有助于消化,能预防和治疗各种胃肠道疾病,降低血脂、胆固醇,对动脉硬化、冠心病、高血压等心血管疾病以及结核病、坏血病、微量元素缺乏症等,均有良好的治疗效果。本课题从酸马奶出发采用两种工艺得到酸马奶粉,以酸马奶粉为主要原料,以脱脂奶粉、蛋白糖、淀粉、羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)、硬脂酸镁为辅料研制出了益生菌酸马奶片,通过正交实验对其工艺进行了优化,确定了最佳工艺配方,对产品感官指标、片剂常规指标等进行了检查,对比研究了两种工艺,并通过动物实验初步研究了其降血脂活性。正交实验结果表明影响益生菌酸马奶片硬度的因素大小关系依次为筛号C,目)>硬脂酸镁(B,%)>CMC-Na(A,%)。最佳工艺配方为A3B3C2,即3%的CMC-Na作粘合剂、3%的硬脂酸镁作润滑剂、20目筛制颗粒。影响益生菌酸马奶片风味的因素大小关系依次为酸马奶粉(A,%)>蛋白糖(C,%)>脱脂奶粉(B,%)。A2B3C1实验方案所得益生菌酸马奶片甜度适中、口感细腻、酸马奶原有风味较浓。最后确定其最佳工艺配方为A2B3C1,即酸马奶粉50%、脱脂奶粉15%、蛋白糖1%。质量检查结果表明该产品感官指标、片剂常规检查合格,且益生菌活性较高,低温蒸馏法制得酸马奶粉中乳酸菌活性可达1.65×109CFU/g,酵母菌活性可达3.60×108 CFU/g;冷冻干燥法制得酸马奶粉中乳酸菌活性为6.40×104CFU/g,酵母菌活性为4.15×103CFU/g。动物实验结果显示,造模15天后模型组血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-c)浓度与空白对照组比较明显升高(P<0.01),这表明建造高脂模型成功;酸马奶粉高剂量组TC、TG、LDL-c浓度与模型组比较明显降低(P<0.01);酸马奶粉低剂量组和灭菌组TC浓度与模型组比较明显降低(P<0.01),LDL-c浓度与模型组比较降低(P<0.05),TG浓度与模型组比较有降低趋势,但没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。因此,初步确定酸马奶粉具有明显的预防高脂血症的作用。研制的益生菌酸马奶片益生菌活性较高、营养丰富、口感细腻、酸甜可口、风味独特、食用携带方便、易于保存,既具有酸马奶的营养价值又有良好的降血脂保健功能,制作工艺可行,质量检查合格,成本中等,附加值高,是一种具有很大商业价值的新型的片状保健食品。

【Abstract】 Koumiss(kumis,kumys,coomys,chige,airag) was a slightly alcoholic mare milk beverage,originally obtained by natural mix of starters such as lactic acid bacteria and yeast.The koumiss was rich in protein,lactose,fat,fatty acid,vitamines and many kinds of elements such as Ca,Fe,Mg,K,I,Cu,Mn,Zn.The contents of nutritions were close to that of human milk.Therefore,it could be the substitute of human milk.Drinking koumiss not only redound to assimilation but also can defend and cure many kinds of diseases such as gastroenteritic disease,cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis,coronary heart disease,hypertension,tuberculosis,septicemia and trace element deficiency.The results of our experiment indicated that koumiss had excellent therapeutic effect of reducing the serum lipid and cholesterol.Two kinds of methods for preparation of koumiss powder and koumiss tablets were studied in this paper.The koumiss tablet was prepared with koumiss powder, skim milk powder,aspartame(APM),amylum and carboxymethylcellulose sodium (CMC-Na).By using orthogonal design,the formula of koumiss tablets was optimized.The appearance index,tablet general index of it has been observed.The antihyperlipidemic effect was studied by animal experiment.The orthogonal experiment indicated that the influence of hardness of tablet was sifter size(C,mesh)>magnesium stearate(B,%)>CMC-Na(A,%).The optimized formula was A3B3C2,3%CMC-Na as bond,3%Magnesium Stearate as lubricant, sifter of 20 mesh to make granule.The influence of taste of tablet was koumiss powder(A,%)>APM(C,%)>skim milk powder(B,%).The optimized formula was A2B3C1,koumiss powder 50%,skim milk powder 15%,APM 1%.The result of quality standards show that the appearance index,tablet general index met our requirement,and the contents of lactic acid bacteria and yeast were very high.In the first method,the content of lactic acid bacteria was up to 1.65×109CFU/g,that of yeast was up to 3.60×108 CFU/g;In the second method,the content of lactic acid bacteria was 6.40×104CFU/g,that of yeast was 4.15×103CFU/g.The result of animal experiment indicated that the contents of serum TC、TG、LDL-c of model group were significantly higher than that of control group(P<0.01). It meant that the hyperlipidemia models were developed successfully.The TC,TG, LDL-c of high dosage group were significantly decreased compared with those of model group(P<0.01).The TC of low dosage group and disinfect group significantly decreased compared with that of model group(P<0.01).The LDL-c of low dosage group and disinfect group were decreased(P<0.05).The TG of them were decreased (P>0.05).Therefore,koumiss powder significantly defended hyperlipidemia. The prepared koumiss tablet was rich of nutrition,convenient in taking and saving,reasonable in formula,feasible in technology and it meets the quality standards.It was a kind of sanitarian food with nutrition of koumiss and healthy function in blood lipid reduction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期