

【作者】 杨海波

【导师】 关信平;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会保障学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 农村转移劳动力培训问题是当前中国经济社会发展进程中提出的。当前我国正处于现代化、城市化进程中,面临着经济结构调整、产业升级、区域发展差距不断拉大的挑战;面临着“三农问题”、就业问题亟待解决的状况;面临着全球化趋势加强,国家竞争力急需提升的挑战;面临着建设“新农村”和“和谐社会”的要求。在上述背景下,我国的农村劳动力转移规模不断扩大,进程不断加快,影响着经济社会的发展进程。培训问题已经成为制约农村劳动力转移的瓶颈。培训政策将会成为对影响农村劳动力转移进程有着重要影响的内容。本研究的目的是通过对农村转移劳动力的培训现状、问题、需求以及培训政策等进行深入分析,探索完善其的培训政策、措施及模式,促进大量农村劳动力向城市、向非农产业顺利有序转移;探索社会政策,特别是发展型社会政策,在中国农村转移劳动力培训上的应用前景,寻求培训的社会政策介入方式。本文采用了文献法、问卷调查法和个案法相结合的分析方法,其中以文献法和问卷调查法为主。定量研究有利于我们全面分析问题,结合适当的定性资料则可以帮助我们更好地解释问题的成因,并且有利于我们对农村劳动力转移过程中纷繁复杂的问题有更加清楚的认识;探寻更具实效和新意的培训方式。本文通过对文献的梳理,总结了过去对于农村转移劳动力培训问题的研究状况,包括培训的现状、问题、需求和政策等等。在此基础上,本文较为全面地分析了目前农村转移劳动力接受培训的状况、培训需求的状况和问题、培训需求模型。研究得出了以下结论:一是年龄、教育程度、工作时间、培训获取情况、培训获取方便程度是培训需求的影响因素;二是其中年龄、教育程度和培训获取情况的影响较为明显;三是在控制了其他因素影响后,培训获取状况与培训需求的相关仍是比较高的;四是在进城前后的环境发生改变的情况下培训需求有明显变化。在分析结果中,得到了培训获取状况和进城前后的环境改变影响着培训需求的结论。根据以上结论,我们进一步分析输入地与输出地在培训问题上的矛盾与联系。从中我们得出了要提高培训需求就要重视培训服务提供状况;注意输入输出地联系的新颖结论。最后,我们结合发展型社会政策理论和实证资料结论,提出了一系列以发展为导向的政策建议,加大培训供给,加强输入地与输入地之间的联系,建设与其他制度相配合的、长期的、城乡统一的培训体系。

【Abstract】 The issue of countryside transferring labor force’training was proposed under multiple backgrounds in the developing process of Chinese society and economy. Now our country is in the process of Modernization and Urbanization, facing challenge brought by Economic Structure Adjustment, Industrial Upgrading and the development disparity; in the situation of‘Three Agricultural Problems’and Employment Problem to be solved, in the international environment of globalization tendency enhancement and the urgent need in improving the National Competition, in the domestic environment of beginning to emphasize New Countryside Construction and the harmonious society. In the present circumstances, Along with the constant enlargement the scale of Rural Migrant Labor, it affects development status of economy and society. Training problem has become one of the bottlenecks of Rural Labor Transfer. Training policy will be one of aspects having important influence on the process of Rural Labor Transfer.The research objectives were thorough analysis on training demand, training situation, training problem and training policy, explored methods of perfecting training policy, training measures and training models of Rural Migrant Labor, reached the target on promoting transfer of a lot of rural labor force to urban and non-agricultural industry, and explored the application prospect and methods of social policy in Rural Migrant Labor’training, especially for developing social policy, sought for the intervening mode of social policy in training.Several analysis methods were used as follow in the paper: literature method, questionnaire research method and the individual cases analysis method, among them using literature method and questionnaire research method as main methods. Because of quantitative study is beneficial to analysis problem generally, qualitative data help us making better explanation of cause, and also be beneficial to clearly recognize the complex problem, seeking new training way.This paper reviewed literature on the research of training of Rural Migrant Labor in the past. In this base, this paper overall analyzed Rural Migrant Labor’training status, training demand problem and the training demand model. Paper put forward age, education working time obtaining training and degree of convenient training are influence factors of training demand, even before and after entering cities. Controlled the effect of other factors, the degree of correlation between obtaining training and training demand is relatively high, and changed after entering cities.The research indicated that the training obtaining and the changing environment had important influence on the demand for training. The research testified these conclusions after analyzing the statistics. It suggested that more attention should be put into the training service provision in order to increase the training demand, which significantly links to the relation of labors input and output.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】F323.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】466