

Study on Engine Performance of Petrol-Ethanol Mixture Fuel

【作者】 包君

【导师】 张永军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,节能和环保成为汽车工业的两大主题。乙醇作为一种可再生能源,用作汽车发动机燃料,既可以缓解石油资源紧缺的压力,又可以有效降低汽车尾气对环境的污染。国内外许多研究机构都致力于车用发动机燃用乙醇的研究,该项研究具有重要的理论研究意义和实际应用价值。本文以一台型号为TU32K(K2D)的直列四缸、水冷、四冲程、1.36升排量汽油机作为试验样机,对原汽油机供油系统进行了改造,设计建立了试验用电控发动机燃料供应系统,其特点是实现了汽油和乙醇的混合比例的连续可调。对改造后的发动机进行了部分稳态工况的标定,通过发动机性能对比试验,研究分析了乙醇体积分数在0-40%范围内的混合燃料对发动机性能的影响。应用模糊综合评价方法,得出五种乙醇掺烧比方案中E20的综合性能最优,既保证了发动机的动力性又能达到节能和低排放得要求。台架试验结果表明:在保持汽油机基本参数不变的前提下,从发动机的外特性曲线可以看出,汽油机的动力性能在低转速下降低,高转速下升高,变化幅度不大;随着乙醇体积分数的增大,燃油消耗率有所增加。对比研究了发动机的怠速排放,结果显示较高的乙醇体积分数会大大减少怠速时的CO和NOx排放量,但会增加未燃HC的排放量。其它稳态工况下CO、HC和NOx的排放量降低。

【Abstract】 At present, energy conservation and environmental protection are two principals of current automobile industry. Using ethanol as the fuel of engine can alleviate the pressure of the petroleum resources. It also can reduce the pollution of the environment. Many research departments in local and foreign countries are focus on ethanol engines, the study has important theoretical meaning and practical application value.In this paper, the research on performance and emission characteristics of TU32K (K2D) an inline four-cylinder, four-stroke engine using ethanol blended gasoline fuels has been investigated. To utilize the advantages of ethanol combustion, the original fuel supply system is modified so that the blended ratio between ethanol and gasoline can be flexibly adjusted according to different engine operation conditions, a part of the steady-state status calibration to modified engine, through engine comparison test, and the effect on engine performance and emissions when ethanol volume grade range 0-40%. Through fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method that best burning ethanol-doped is E20, Ensures that the engine has enough engine power, energy saving and low emission requirementsThe test shows that when the gasoline engine parameters remain unchanged, though engine full load performance curve, engine power lowing in the small rate, increasing in big rate; the higher ethanol volume grade, the larger rate of fuel consumption. Comparative study of the engine idling emission, the results showed that a higher ethanol volume grade, the lower CO and NOx discharge. However, HC will increase. In other steady conditions the lower CO , NOx and HC.
