

A Study on English Technical Neologism Translation

【作者】 张东平

【导师】 张文英;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术以惊人速度发展,科技产品占据了人们日常生活的每个角落,科技进步极大程度地促进了英语科技新词的涌现。这些新词的引进推广,依赖于翻译工作者的努力和翻译的质量。然而在英语科技新词翻译中存在许多问题:一词多译,滥用音译等,因此急需规范科技新词翻译行为。现在翻译工作者对科技新词给予更多关注,研究成果显著,然而问题依然存在。研究集中在科技新词翻译策略上,多数观点的基于个人经验和好恶,缺少理论依据。目前还没有专门的科技新词翻译标准,现有的策略也局限于音译、直译和意译。这些策略太过笼统,参考价值不大。策略的提出,应建立在洞悉翻译本质的基础之上。在本文中,主要采用了统计的方法,从书籍、报纸、杂志、网络等不同渠道搜集科技新词。实现了材料的多样化,减少了选择材料时的主观倾向。本文试图探索科技新词翻译的本质,提出“所指的同一性、意像的扭曲、语境筛”等概念,从而建立起科技新词翻译的一系列标准来规范翻译行为。这些标准包括“语义透明、语义浓缩等,在本文中都通过推理和数据得以证实。本文作者依据不同种类的科技新词,提出系统化可操作的策略:增词法、词缀法、调换词序等。特别是在对待音译时,提出了“被动音译”与“主动音译”的概念,这是前人未能探讨过的。通过对比研究,指出了“主动音译”的优势和可行性,分四个步骤规范音译过程,实现音义兼顾。本文提出的标准策略不仅仅为科技英语翻译提供可操作性指导,也可为其它领域的翻译提供参考。

【Abstract】 Science and technology are developing in an amazing high speed. New technical products invade into every corner of people’s daily life. Scientific progress greatly promotes the emergence of English technical neologisms (TN). The introduction and development of these neologisms relay on translators’efforts and quality of translation. However, there are many problems in the practice of technical neologism (TN) translation: multi-translated terms, abuse of transliteration, etc. It is urgent to standardize the practices of TN translation. Now, translators have paid more attention to these problems and have made outstanding achievements. However, problems still exist. The researches are focused on TN translation strategy; and most of their points of view are based more on their personal experiences and tastes, less on theory and reason. By now there is no TN specific translation criterion has been established; and current translation strategies are confined to transliteration, literal translation and free translation. These strategies are too general and the referential value is limited. The strategies should be established on basis of a thorough understanding of translation’s essence. In this research, statistics are adopted as main method. TNs are collected from various channels: book, newspaper, journal, and internet. This greatly increases the verification of materials and reduces the subjective incline in selecting materials. This research tries to explore the essence of TN translation. The author projects the concept of semi-reference, image distortion and image sifter. A series of criteria are established to standardize the practices of TN translation. They are“semantic transparency, semantic condensation, etc. All these criteria are justified through deduction with data. The author provides systemic and practical strategies: adding, affix translation, adjusting sequence, etc. Especially in treating transliteration, the concepts of“passive transliteration”and“positive transliteration”are projected. These concepts are not mentioned by forerunners. Thought comparative research, the author points out the advantage and feasibility of“positive transliteration”, standardizes the process of transliteration in four steps, and realizes the simultaneous transmission of sounds and meaning. The criteria and strategies not only provide operational instructions but also have referential value for translation in other fields.

【关键词】 科技新词翻译本质标准策略
【Key words】 technical neologismessence of translationcriterionstrategy