

Basic Research and Structure Design on ABS Dynamic Simulate Test Stand

【作者】 黄磊

【导师】 王旭东;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车行驶车速的提高及人们对道路交通安全的日益重视,ABS系统在汽车上的装车率逐步提高,随之而来的问题是如何对ABS系统的工作性能进行台架实验,以确保其发挥应有的作用。论文通过详尽的市场调查并在综合研究汽车ABS系统工作原理以及道路测试方法的基础上,提出了ABS动态模拟实验台设计方案,该实验台能够为ABS系统提供较为真实的模拟工作条件,并针对其工作性能进行动态实验。论文在详细研究ABS系统的理论基础、结构及控制原理的基础上,分析了ABS系统的各种测试方法及其优、缺点;提出了ABS动态模拟实验台方案,完成了动态模拟的理论推导、仿真工作及可行性论证;以磁粉离合器作为控制元件实现了在ABS作用下汽车制动过程的台架动态模拟,将汽车制动时车轮与地面之间的运动关系通过磁粉离合器的主、从动转子的转动关系表现出来,便于ABS各项性能的测试;提出了惯性模拟系统的优化设计方案,并考虑了其临界转速和动平衡问题的处理;完成了ABS动态模拟实验台的电机选型、电机驱动、框架结构设计和设备安装调试工作。初步调查表明,目前国内还没有类似本实验台的相关设备及专利,所以本论文所设计的实验台具有一定的先进性,对于ABS控制器的研发和汽车厂商对ABS的初步检测和选用具有很好的指导意义,从而可以有效的改善我国的公路交通安全状况。

【Abstract】 With the constantly boosting vehicle speed and the increasingly attention to road traffic condition, more and more vehicle have equipped anti-lock braking system, and now the question is how to test the large number of ABS, this is an exigent problem for domestic vehicle test calling.This dissertation designs an ABS test stand on the basis of synthetically researching the work principium of automobile ABS and the road test measures. The test stand can accurately test the performance of ABS. The construction design has adequately considered the condition of domestic vehicle.This dissertation detailedly introduces ABS’ theory base, construction and control principle; analyses different test measures, merit and defect of each measure; puts forward the test stand test measure, finished educing the theory, demonstrates the feasibility of ABS’ performance test on the test stand; selects the powder clutch as the key component, realizes the dynamical simulation of vehicle brake process controlled by ABS, exhibits the movement relation between wheel and road surface during braking process by the active rotor and driven rotor of torque controller, and this is helpful to test the slippage rate of ABS; put forwarded a set of feasible optimization and combination schemes of assembled flywheel system’s moment of inertia and balancing; finished motor selection and its driver; finished the construction and design of ABS test stand.According to the primary survey, there is no domestic production and patent about the test stand we researched, so the test stand designed in this dissertation has definite superiority, it can solve the exigent problem of domestic vehicle test calling. It has important significances for the research of ABS controller, the selection of ABS controller, the vehicle test calling’s development and the road traffic safety condition’s improvement.
