

Elementary Study on Ecological Distributing Law of Cotton Fiber Quanlity in Xinjiang

【作者】 韩春丽

【导师】 张旺锋; 勾玲;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆棉区温光资源丰富,气候生态类型多样,具有生产多种类型棉纤维的优势。本研究针对新疆棉花品质好,但类型单一,难以满足市场多样化需求的问题,开展新疆棉花品质与温光气候生态因子的关系以及新疆棉区棉纤维品质生态分布规律的研究,对实现新疆棉花高效可持续发展具有重要意义。试验选用南北疆棉区种植面积较大、品质性状有代表性的棉花品种,于2002~2004年,分别在石河子进行分期播种试验和在全疆23个试点进行多点联合试验,分析了不同温光条件下棉纤维品质的变化特征以及纤维品质在新疆棉区的生态分布规律,在此基础上对新疆棉区优势棉花的适宜种植区域作了初步划分,主要结论如下:1纤维不同类型品种的品质变化特征及与气象因子的关系研究表明,在北疆气候条件下,棉纤维的常用指标中,棉纤维长度、整齐度和伸长率主要受品种遗传特性影响,表现为早熟品种较晚熟品种小,环境因素对遗传特性的表达起到调节效应,而比强度和马克隆值受品种遗传特性和环境因素的共同影响。不同类型品种比强度差异较大,表现为早熟品种较晚熟品种比强度高。经对纤维主要品质指标与铃期气象因子逐步回归分析,铃期总日照时数是影响纤维长度和伸长率的主要气候因子;整齐度、比强度主要受制于铃期≥15℃活动积温;马克隆值受铃期最高温度的影响。2新疆棉区棉纤维品质与气象因子的关系及品质生态分布规律通过对新疆不同试点纤维品质指标与铃期气象因子曲线估计,结果表明:纤维长度和伸长率主要受温度和相对湿度影响,与温度和相对湿度之间均呈二次函数关系,在温度24℃~26℃,相对湿度45%~47%时,纤维长度和纤维伸长率表现较高,当温度30℃左右,纤维长度最短。纤维强度和马克隆值主要受温度、日照时数和相对湿度的影响。强度与温度和日照时数呈一元线性正相关关系,与相对湿度呈二次函数关系,相对湿度达到54%左右时最低。马克隆值与温度和相对湿度呈二次函数关系,温度在24℃~26℃马克隆值处于A、B级,与日照时数呈一元线性正相关关系。依据对新疆棉区23个试点不同品种纤维品质的变化情况,及各地气象因子聚类分析,结合各生态棉区的气候资源,对新疆棉区优势棉花适宜种植区域进行初步划分。东疆吐鲁番盆地作为新疆长绒棉生产基地,该区在陆地棉棉铃生长发育期温度过高铃期平均温度32℃左右、日照时数12h左右、相对湿度35%左右,早熟陆地棉表现出长度、伸长率和整齐度较低,强度高,马克隆值偏高的特点,不适宜发展中长绒陆地棉,可作为高强力专用原棉生产区。南疆叶尔羌河流域和喀什噶尔河流域的疏附、麦盖提、巴楚三地,铃期平均温度25℃~26℃、日照时数10h~14h、相对湿度40%~48%,有利于高品质纤维形成。纤维强度、长度、整齐度、伸长率均较高,马克隆值分属A、B两级,纤维综合品质最优。可作为适纺高支纱的中长绒陆地棉生产区,配合适当品种可为棉纺织企业提供生产优质原棉。北疆沿天山北麓一带,包括玛纳斯河流域、奎屯河流域、博尔塔拉河流域、处于同一绿洲农业带上,铃期平均温度24℃~25℃、日照时数8h~12h、相对湿度48%~58%,种植早熟品种品质综合指标表现较好,纤维较长,马克隆值分属A、B级,强度、整齐度和伸长率等几项指标居中,纤维综合品质较优,同类型品种品质一致性较好,适合纺织中高支纱,适宜建设优质高强中长绒早熟陆地棉产业化生产基地。南疆塔里木盆地边缘地处渭干河流域、塔里木河流域、库车河流域以及北疆伊犁河流域,东疆哈密盆地,从品质各项指标分析来看,虽然在单项品质中各有优势,但各项指标间匹配较差,品质综合性状较差,因此在这些区域,因地制宜的选择品种,充分发挥单项指标优势,可为生产提供多规格产品。各类型品种在南疆阿克苏河流域区以及孔雀河流域种植纤维长度均最短,纤维各项品质指标匹配较差,不利于生长优质原棉,可考虑作为适纺低支纱的专用短绒棉生产区。

【Abstract】 It is well provided with producing varieties of cotton fiber where it has abound temperature and light resource in Xinjiang. The research aimed at well quality on cotton fiber, but the question that type of variety was singleness, difficultly to satisfy market diversification demand, so developing research on the relation between cotton fiber quality and the climate zoology factor of temperature and light as well as the regularities of distribution in cotton fiber quality zoology, it has importance significance to achieve highly active and persistent development in Xinjiang The examination chose south and north in Xinijiang grow area greater、character of cotton fiber quality representation, during 2003~2004, The examination chose south and north in Xinijiang grow area greater、character of cotton fiber quality representation, during 2003~2004, Based on the experiment e with three sowing-date and the experiment of confederated in 23 site .The character of cotton fiber quanlity and The law of the ecological distribution in different light and temperature were analyzed.Based on the analysis,the elementary zonal measure off on high quality of cotton growing site in Xinjiang was established.The primary conclusion as follows:1.The Changes of Fiber Quality at Different Cotton Varieties and Correlation with Meteorological FactorsThe research showed that in common use of cotton fiber index under the climate facter of north xinjiang , the different fiber quality character has the different controlled factors. Fiber length, fiber uniformity and fiber elongation rate were most influenced by the hereditary trait of variety. Fiber strength and micronaire value was effected not only by the hereditary trait of variety but also effected remarkably by meteorological factors. As far as the meteorological factors are concerned, the main meteorological factors which effected the different fiber quality characters are not same. Fiber length and fiber elongation rate was effected mainly by the total sunshine time of cotton boll stage. Fiber uniformity and fiber strength is effected mainly by activity accumulated temperature (≥15℃) of cotton boll stage. Micronaire value was mostly influenced by the highest temperature of cotton boll stage.2 The relation of cotton fiber quality with the meteorological factors and the ecological distribution regulation of quality. The index of fiber quality and meteorological factors during boll stage were curve estimated. The result showed that the fiber length and fiber elongation rate were mostly influenced by the temperature and the relative humidity, and had the relation of quadratic function with the temperature and the relative humidity. When the temperature was 24℃~26℃and the relative humidity was 45%~47%, the fiber length and fiber elongation rate appeared high level, and the fiber length was the shortest when the temperature was about 30℃. Fiber strength and Micronaire value were mostly influenced by the temperature, the hour of sunlight and the relative humidity. Fiber strength had the monadic linear direct ratio relationship with the temperature and the hour of sunlight; had quadratic function relationship with the relative humidity, and when the relative humidity got to 54% or so the fiber strength was the lowest. The Micronaire value had the quadratic function relationship with the temperature and the relative humidity, the monadic linear direct ratio relationship with the hour of sunlight. Micronaire value reached A class and B class when the temperature was 24℃~26℃. With the meteorological resource of each ecological cotton area, we plotted the Xinjing cotton area aptly planting superior cotton primarily, according to the change of fiber quality of different variety in 23 experimental units and cluster analysis of meteorological factor in each area.As the base of produce long-fiber cotton, Tulufan basin of east of Xinjing had the high temperature during the stage of Upland cotton boll developed. The average temperature was about 32℃,during the boll stage, the time of sunlight were about 12h, the relative humidity was 35% or so. The characters of premature Upland cotton acted lower length, uniformity and elongation; higher strength and Micronaire value,which did not good for the development of middle-long-fiber cotton, so in these area we had to plant special high-strenth cotton to spin inferior yarn.Maigaiti,Shufu, Bachu of Yerqiang valley and Kashiger valley in the south of Xinjing, the average temperature of boll stage was 25℃~26℃, the time of sunlight were 10h~14h, the relative humidity was 40%~58%, it benefited for the form of advanced quality fiber. Fiber strength, fiber length, fiber uniformity and fiber elongation rate were all high. The Micronaire value belonged to A class and B class and the fiber synthetic quality were superior. So in these areas we could plant middle and long fiber Upland cotton for weaving high quality yarn, and with suitable variety we could supply high grade cotton for spin enterprise.The latitude were similarity and situated in the same oasis agricultural zone along north area of Tianshan mountain in the north of Xinjiang included Mana-si valley, Kuitun valley and Boer-ta-la valley. In these areas the average temperature of boll stage was 24℃~ 25℃, the time of sunlight were 8h~13h, the relative humidity was 48%~58% and the synthetic index of quality manifested very well if plant premature variety . The length of fiber was more longer and the Micronaire value belonged to A class and B class. Fiber strength, fiber uniformity, fiber elongation rate and so on were mediocre, but the fiber synthetic quality were preferably and the quality of the same variety kept well, they benefited for weave secondary and advanced yarn, and benefited for set up industrialization productive base in which we could plant high strength, middle, long fiber and premature Upland cotton and plant low strength, middle fiber Upland cotton.All indexes of variety were analysed. We could see that though individual variety had their superiority, they matched badly with eath other from Weigan valley,Tali-mu valley,kuche valley of the fringes of Tali-mu basin in the south of Xinjiang to Yili valley in the north of Xinjiang and Hami basin. So we could select all kinds of variety which individual index was exerted filly, and we could supply all kinds of production in these areas.The fiber length of all kinds of variety planted in akusu valley of the south of Xinjiang and peacock river drainage area were all shorter, and all sorts of indexes of fiber quality were all very poor each other, then it was not for the benefit of superior cotton, so we consider those areas as special short fiber cotton areas to weave low quality fiber.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期