

Studies on Overcoming Self-incompatibility Use Chenmical Treatment and Related Factors of Fruit Quality in Korla Fragrant Pear

【作者】 李慧民

【导师】 牛建新;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以库尔勒香梨为试验材料,研究了用化学药剂克服香梨的自交不亲和性、植物生长调节剂对香梨果实品质的影响。以及对库尔勒地区香梨和阿克苏地区香梨的果实品质差异性进行了比较,主要研究结果如下:1.6种化学药剂处理香梨柱头的结果表明,化学药剂对克服香梨自交不亲和性有一定效果。不同的化学药剂其效果差异,氯化钠+硼酸、鸭梨和砀山梨花粉浸提液处理效果较好,比对照(蒸馏水处理)差异极显著;而GA、IBA、NAA与对照(蒸馏水)处理相比差异不显著。不同化学药剂浓度的处理效果亦不同,以氯化钠5%+硼酸0.3%、鸭梨和砀山梨花粉1:10(M:M)处理效果最好。2.盛花期对香梨喷施植物生长调节剂NAA、Eth和BR处理能增加果实的单果重和可溶性固形物含量,都能在一定成都上改善香梨的品质。烯效唑能增加香梨的可溶性固形物的含量,但是处理使香梨的单果重降低,果形虽然均匀但果形小,降低了香梨的产量。GA、GA+6BA和CPPU能增加香梨的单果重但是用GA、GA+6BA和CPPU促进生长的植物生长调节集在盛花期处理香梨,果形指数增大、宿萼果增加、凸顶果增多。影响了果实的外观品质,使果形发育难看,就是果农称之为“公梨”果实,降低了香梨的商品价值。用CCC、IBA处理香梨对香梨的品质无较大影响。3.库尔勒地区香梨可溶性固形物含量,可溶性糖,可滴定酸都优于阿克苏地区香梨。库尔勒地区香梨脱萼率也高于阿克苏地区。果形也较阿克苏地区的好看。凸顶果在阿克苏表现突出。经试验可知花期喷洒一定浓度的赤霉素可使香梨花不脱萼或晚脱萼。并行成凸顶果。在阿克苏地区香梨凸顶果明显比库尔勒多。探其原因可能是阿克苏地区土壤中含有的某些矿物质或是有机物质促进香梨根系产生大量的赤霉素,使的香梨的果形发生变化。4.90%的粗皮果分布于内膛枝,仅10%分布于外膛,不同部位的粗皮果的各果形比例也不同。粗皮果的硬度大,可滴定酸含量高,可溶性固形物低。

【Abstract】 This thesis mostly to research into the use of chemical treatment overcoming self-incomlatibility of the Korla Fragrant pear,the effect on fruit quality by phytohormone And the A Ke Su area pear and the Korla pear’s fruit quality difference were carried out comparison. The results are as follows:1.The results showed that six chemicals on the self-incompatibility of Korla Pear,which are treatment of stigma with sodium chloride and Boracic acid,the water solution extracted yali and dangshan pear flowers,Gibberellic,indole butyric acid and naphthalene acetic acid were effective in overcoming self - incompatibility in Korla fragrant Pear, a gametophytic self - incompatibility system. Sodium Chloride and Boracic acid,the water solution extracted yali and dangshan pear flowers were much better than other chemicals and check (diseilled water). The concent ration of the chemicals worked differently in the study,and the effective concent ration was the 5% and 0.3% of the sodium chloride and Boracic acid,1:10(M:M)of the water solution extracted yali and dangshan pear flowers.2.The treatments of spraying NAA,Eth and BR in medium stage of flowering that could improve the weight of single fruit and the total soluble soild contents. Uniconazole could improve the total soluble soild contents but reduce the weight of single fruit .All of GA,CPPU ,GA and 6BA could improve the weight of single fruit,but they increase Longitudinal/Sidewise diameter,calyx fruit and stickup end fruit .They decrease worth of the pear. The treatments of spraying CCC and IBA could not improve the pear’s fruit quality.3. Soluble solids content ,Soluble sugars and Titration acidity of Korla Fragrant pear are better than A Ke Su’s. The highest flower calyx rate is in Korla.There are lots of Stickup end fruit in A Ke Su. The treatments of spraying GA could not shed calyx to the flowers or defer shed calyx. These decrease to be worth of the pear. In A Ke Su Stickup end fruits are more than Korla. Maybe In A Ke Su soils have lots of GA .they change pears’figure .4. The proportion of rough pear is 90% and 10% in internal and external shoots,The peoportion of fruit shapes is different too.The titration acid contents are high and the total soluble solid contents are low in rough pear.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期