

Estrus Control in Sheep Ewesof Industrialized

【作者】 雷英鹏

【导师】 张居农;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验通过对工厂化饲养条件下不同季节和生态环境下的不同品种、不同生理状况的绵羊采用生殖激素调控的方法以达到发情调控效果,并对发情母羊适时输精、配种,详细记录各组母羊的发情时间、配种时间、返情复配时间、产羔时间、产羔数和产后发情时间;对不同条件下影响同期发情效果的因素进行了分析研究。通过发情调控与人工受精或胚胎移植结合,试图探求不同条件下母羊发情调控适用方案。试验一本试验通过绵羊同期发情与胚胎移植的配套处理,总结了在工厂化养羊中胚胎移植的注意事项。四次同期发情处理结果差异不显著(P>0.05),0-24小时同期发情率为13.27%和48-72小时的同期发情率10.94%差异不显著,但这两个时间段与24-48小时的同期发情率50.75%形成显著性差异。前3次冻胚移植移植妊娠率差异不显著(P>0.05),(分别为66.67%、65.52%、65.54%),鲜胚移植的妊娠率(83.3%)显著高于冻胚移植(P<0.05),受体母羊在舍饲条件下的可移植率(92.06%)显著高于放牧条件(87.19%)下的可移植率(P<0.05)。试验二本试验通过对不同时间和不同饲养条件下的不同品种、不同生理状况的绵羊采用不同的发情调控方法以达到发情调控效果,结果表明不同时间同期发情率不同,非繁殖季节的同期发情率低于繁殖季节的同期发情率。可能是由于初产羊所致。不同地方,不同品种,不同饲养条件对发情调控后第一情期发情率的影响没有显著差异,而饲养条件对产羔率有显著影响(P<0.05),舍饲饲养的产羔率显著高于放牧饲养的产羔率(P<0.05)。初产羊与经产羊的发情调控效果比较显著低于经产母羊(P<0.05)。试验三本试验以非繁殖和繁殖季节公羊生殖保健为主要目标,经性欲检查后,试验共分三类,即:性欲和精液品质正常,性欲正常但精液品质低下和精液品质正常但性欲低下三类。对性欲正常,精液品质低下的公羊,采用低剂量睾酮+PMSG短期处理的方案。对精液品质正常,无性欲的公羊,采用低剂量睾酮+HCG短期处理的方案。试验结果表明,经PMSG+低剂量睾酮处理处理后10-30d内精液品质恢复正常,有效率达到90-100%(P<0.01)。而用HCG+低剂量睾酮处理公羊,12-25d内恢复正常性欲,有效率达到90-100%(P<0.01)。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the exogenous hormone was injected into different sheep breeds under factorization raising condition ,which were fed in different ecological environment,feeding conditions seasons,to realize synchronization of estrus.Estrus ewes were treated with artificial insemination in the right time.Estrus time,transport time,second insemination time in estrus return,lambing time and litter size were record in detail. The fecundity ewes in the offspring were the supplement of the ewe group.This study used estrus control and artificial insemination together or embryo transplantation .Try to find a good method of feed sheep industrialized.Experiment 1:This study used sheep ewes estrus control and embryo transplantation together .we found the result is not magnificent in 4 times. From 0 to 24 hours,the synchronize estrus rate is 13.27% ,from 48 to 72 hours, the synchronize estrus rate is 10.94 % there was no significant difference(p> 0.05), but from 24 to 48 hours, the synchronize estrus rate is 50.75 %,which is significant different from the two above . In the first three times’frozen embryo transplanting, the difference of the pregnancy rate was not significantly (P>0.05) (66.67%, 65.52%, 65.54%). The fresh embrionic transplant’s rate of pregnancy (83.3%) is higher than the frozen embrionic transplant obviously(P<0.05).The rate of the ewe which can be used to transplant under Stalls-feed condition (92.06%)is obviously higher than what under herds condition (87.19%)(P<0.05).Experiment 2:This study used sheep ewes estrus control in different sheep breeds which were fed in different ecological environment,feeding conditions seasons,the result is it’s no significantly of estrus synchronization rate in different time. It’s lower the non-breeding season than the same period in estrus the breeding season. The reason maybe due to early production caused by the sheep. In different places, different varieties, different feeding conditions on the first estrus control of the situation did not affect the rate of estrus significant difference, and raising the conditions of the lambing rate significantly (P< 0.05), keeping the lambing shed was significantly higher Keeping in grazing (P <0.05). Sheep and the beginning of production of sheep production control Comparison of estrus was significantly lower than the production ewes (P <0.05).Experiments 3:This experiment take the non-reproduction and the reproduction season ram reproductive health as the essential target, after sexual desire inspection, experiments is divided three kinds, namely: 1) Both the sexual desire and the seminal fluid quality are normal;2) The sexual desire is normal, but the seminal fluid quality is low .3) The seminal fluid quality is normal, but sexual desire low . To the seminal fluid quality low ram, use the low dose testosterone + PMSG short-term processing plan. To the non-sexual desire’s ram, uses the low dose testosterone + HCG short-term processing plan. The test result indicated that after low dose testosterone + PMSG processing in 10-30d ,the seminal fluid quality restores normally, the effectiveness achieves 90-100% (P<0.01) ,And with the low dose testosterone + HCG processing, the normal sexual desire of the ram can restore in 12-25d,the effectiveness achieves 90-100%(P<0.01).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期