

YanFu and the National’s Modernization

【作者】 赵云雨

【导师】 林平汉;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 鸦片战争以后,在资本主义列强侵略的客观作用下中国开始缓慢地走上了近代,一批批先进的中国人在实现近代化的道路上进行了艰难的摸索,直到维新派才认识到实现近代化关键的因素一人。严复是晚清著名的启蒙思想家,他认识到实现近代化最根本的是实现人的近代化,只有实现人的近代化才能挽救空前严重的民族危机和实现国家的民主富强。他大胆解剖了中国传统文化中国民固有的劣根性,进而把批判的矛头直接指向封建专制制度、封建伦理道德思想以及宗法家族伦理制度和社会陋俗,要用资产阶级的思想、文化、道德、行为来改造国民,使之实现近代化。他的人的近代化思想是:在政治上给予国民自由、权利,同时国民履行义务,在文化上摆脱封建伦理道德思想的束缚,建立体现自由、平等的新的道德规范;教育上德、智、体三育并重;在社会上移风易俗;在法律上建立近代法律,保障国民的权利自由,使国民具有法律意识。由于所处的时代和历史的局限性,严复的人的近代化思想不能实现,但他的思想为后人所继承,为实现中国人的近代化起了积极的作用。

【Abstract】 After the Opium War, the capitalist powers of aggression in the role of the objective of China’s slow start on the Modernization of the road. Groups of advanced Chinese people realized the modernization of the road on a difficult exploration, only to find until Reformers Modernization of the realization of the key factors-The people.Yan Fu is the later Qing Dynasty famous Enlightenment thinkers, he realized that the Modernization of the most fundamental thing is the realization of man’s modern, and only the people can save the Modernization of serious national crisis, and make the country strong and prosperous democracy. Yan Fu bold anatomy of the Chinese traditional culture of China and China inherent bad quality, then the criticism directed the spearhead at the feudal autocratic system, the feudal ethics and the patriarchal family ideological and ethical system of social custom, we should bourgeois ideology, culture, ethics, behavior to transform nationals so as to achieve modernization. He held that the realization of the modernization should be given national political freedoms, rights, the National fulfill their obligations, in the feudal culture of ethical thinking from the shackles of established embodies freedom, equality of the new moral education in ethics, intellect, of the three balanced; stone unturned to help in the community, while the legal establishment of modern laws to protect people’s rights and freedoms, so that people have legal awareness. Because of its understanding of the times and historical limitations, Yan Fu achieving the modernization of the tireless efforts of the failure, after all, but his thinking for future generations by inheritance, for the realization of the modernization of China has played a positive role.

【关键词】 严复国民近代化
【Key words】 YanFunationalmodernization
  • 【分类号】B256
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】182