

The Modern Value and Building of the Culture of Foochow Dockyard Based on the Corporate Culture

【作者】 肖来付

【导师】 苏振芳;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 福州船政局在其发展历程中,从开设厂房到创办学堂,从制造商船军舰到派遣留学生,创造了中国工业史上的多项第一。从1866年船政局开办到1907年清朝决定停办船政局这短短的41年时间里,福州船政局为中国近代工业,尤其是为船舶制造业奠定了物质和技术基础。作为洋务运动中创办的一个重要的近代企业,在中国社会的现代化进程中,福州船政局在中国近代海军史、工业史、教育史、航空史、思想文化史等方面都留下了深刻的印迹。中国近代企业在其发展过程中,艰苦创业,不断创新,其中有过成功的经验,也经历过挫折与失败,这些都值得我们认真的研究和总结。福州船政局是洋务派创办的一个典型的近代军事工业企业,在其并不算长的历史发展过程中创造了辉煌的企业业绩。福州船政局所塑造的企业文化,例如:坚持不懈的企业改革与创新精神,“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的企业信念与凝聚力,直到今天也仍然具有很大的价值。本课题将试从企业文化的角度,应用社会变迁理论,阐释福州船政文化的涵义、内容、特征及其在新时代的价值和意义。

【Abstract】 In its history, Foochow Dockyard has created many things that appeared firstly in the history of Chinese industry. It is the biggest, most complete and most remarkable dockyard that the Yang Wu Group has set up. In the short history of 41 years, Foochow Dockyard has established the material and technological foundation of the shipping manufacture for modern Chinese industry. It has greatly affected the history of modern Chinese industry, navy, education and culture etc.Modern Chinese enterprise has experienced success, but more frustration and failure in its development history. As a typical martial industrial enterprise, Foochow Dockyard has created a magnificent enterprise achievement. The corporate culture that formed and developed in Foochow Dockyard, for example, the spirit of innovation and the responsibility of defending the country, still has a great value nowadays.Based on the theory of Corporate Culture and Social Change, this paper would clarify the connation, content, characteristic and the modern value of Foochow Dockyard in the new period.

  • 【分类号】F270;F426.474
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】233