

The Union and Differentiation of Intellectuals during the Nationalist Movements in the Japan-occupying Era of Taiwan (1914-1937)

【作者】 杨娟

【导师】 叶青;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从1895年割台到1945年抗日战争胜利,日本帝国主义在台湾实行了50年的殖民统治,英勇不屈的台湾人民反抗了近半个世纪。20世纪初,日本殖民者在台湾建立起一整套殖民统治工具,残酷压迫台湾人民。在一战后世界“民主”、“自由”思潮及殖民地独立运动的影响下,台湾知识分子开始领导台湾人民展开一系列民族运动。本文以20世纪20~30年代日本殖民统治下台湾社会的政治、经济、教育状况为背景,分段论述一战后世界思潮影响下,在知识分子领导的台湾民族运动的形成、发展、演变过程中知识分子本身的联合与分化,并深入剖析其联合与分化的原因,再现日据时期台湾人民争取合法权力波澜壮阔的历史画面。同时,进一步揭露日本殖民统治的本质,展现台湾知识分子与台湾民众在日本殖民奴役下的痛苦及强烈的中国认同意识。

【Abstract】 From 1895 the Cession of Taiwan to 1945 the Sino-Japanese War Victory, the Japanese imperialism had colonized Taiwan for 50 years, and the heroic and unyielding Taiwan people have revolted near half century. In the early 20th century, the Japanese colonialists in Taiwan had established a complete set of tools of colonial rules and brutal oppression of the Taiwan people. In a post-war world of "democracy" and "freedom" ideological trend and under the influence of the colony independence movements, Taiwan intellectuals started to lead the Taiwan people to launch a series of national campaigns. This article take the 20th century 20s ~ 30s, under the Japan colonial rule of Taiwan society’s politics、economic and the education condition as the background, partition elaborates under the First World War world ideological trend influence, during the formation and development of Taiwan national movement’s under the leading of Taiwan intellectuals, the joint and differentiation of themselves. in-depth analysis the reasons of the joint and differentiation, reappear the historical picture of Taiwan people strives for the legitimate authority of the past. Further exposes Japan colonial rule the essence, under unfolds Taiwan intellectual and Taiwan people colonized in Japan enslaves painful and intense China approves consciousness.

【关键词】 民族运动知识分子联合分化
【Key words】 National movementIntellectualUnionDifferentiation
  • 【分类号】K295.8
  • 【下载频次】213