

Research on Strategies of Adjustment of Industrial Structure in FuJian Province Ased on Sustainable Development

【作者】 王荧

【导师】 林卿;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 可持续发展要求人类的经济增长不能以自然环境的破坏为代价,而福建省现行的传统产业结构在注重经济增长的同时,忽视了自然环境有限性的客观存在,是建立在向自然无限索取的基础上的产业结构体系,不符合可持续发展理论与实践的需要。因此,为了贯彻落实科学发展观,使经济发展与环境保护相互协调,实现福建又好又快的发展,必须重新审视与调整福建省传统的产业结构,构建面向可持续发展的新的产业结构体系。基于这一认识,本文以产业结构理论为基础,可持续发展为主线,借鉴现代经济学中产业结构理论的研究成果,采用规范分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法,从福建省产业结构实际出发,深入剖析了福建省产业结构转变与可持续发展之间的关联性,并在此基础上构思福建省产业结构调整战略思路。

【Abstract】 The sustainable development requires that the economic increase of human being should not at the cost of the damage of the earth’s ecosystem. The current industrial structure of FuJian Province just emphasizes the increase of economic, ignoring the fact of the limitation of natural resources. This structure which was constructed on the basis of the infinite demands to the finite natural resources, does not conform to the sustainable development theory and the practical need. Therefore, in order to thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, to make the coordination development between the economic and the environment, to realize the better and quicker development of FuJian Province, we must re-examine and adjust the traditional industrial structure of FuJian Province, constitute the new industrial structure which faces the sustainable development requirement. Under this cognition, This thesis takes the sustainable development as the leading line, based on the research results of industrial structure theory in modern economy, and adopts the research technique which combines the criterion analysis and demonstration analysis. Embarking from the actual of FuJian Province industrial structure development, the thesis discusses and studies the relationship between the industrial structure and sustainable development. Based on the above, this thesis proposes the strategies of adjustment of industrial structure in FuJian Province.

  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】483