

On Development of Cultural Tourism Industry in the EZWCS

【作者】 李斌

【导师】 陈征; 李建平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 文化产业、旅游产业已经成为世界各国经济发展的新兴支柱产业和重要增长极。大力发展文化、旅游产业,是当今世界经济社会发展的重要趋势。福建省委、省政府提出把海峡西岸经济区建设成为科学发展的先行区、两岸人民交流合作的先行区的战略任务,标志着海峡西岸经济区建设进入新阶段。而作为最具增长潜力和发展前景的产业,文化、旅游产业应当也有条件先行一步,成为海西经济的“重要增长极”,成为海西先行的“开路先锋”。文化是旅游的灵魂。在旅游经济发展过程中,必须将旅游和文化紧密结合在一起,在旅游开发建设中紧紧围绕文化主题,抓住文化主线,突出文化主旨,在大旅游中溶人大文化,走文化兴旅、文化强旅之路,大力发展海西文化旅游产业,真正实现文化和旅游产业的全面对接、互利互惠。然而,在当前海西建设中特别是旅游产业发展中,文化缺失相当严重。文化味不足,已经成为制约海西旅游产业发展的重要因素。发展海西旅游,必须着力持续、着力提升、着力运作,着重强调文化和旅游联姻,全面提高文化在旅游消费中的含量,才能推动海西旅游的全面升级和壮大。文化足则旅游兴,旅游兴则海西强。大力发展海西文化旅游产业,势在必行,前景广阔。

【Abstract】 Cultural Industry and Tourism industry have become emerging key industries and important growth poles of economic development for countries in the world. Striving to develop cultural and tourism industries is current main trend of world economic and social development.Fujian provincial committee and government have set a strategic mission of turning the Economic Zone of West Coast of the Straits ( short as EZWCS) into an advanced region in scientific development as well as in cross - straits exchange and cooperation, which marks a new phase in the development of EZWCS. As the most promising industries with the largest growth potential, cultural and tourism industries may also be one step ahead and become an important growth pole of the economy in EZWCS, as well as a pioneer advanced in EZWCS.Culture is the soul of tourism. During the development of tourism economy, tourism and culture shall be combined tightly. In the tourism development and construction, we shall.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
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