

Research on Successful Candidates of Southern Song Dynasty at the North of Fujian Province

【作者】 于冉冉

【导师】 涂怀京;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于政治经济、文化教育、地理位置等诸多方面的因素,南宋时期闽北地区的科举甚为兴盛,一跃成为福建科举的发达之地。中榜进士在数量上达到顶峰,在名次上多居前列,与书院讲学有密切的关联,与家族传统有深厚的渊源。在闽北进士这个精英群体中,有的成为了当时的名师大儒或重臣卿相,在政务、文史、科学、理学等方面做出了重要的贡献。借鉴闽北科考取士的有益经验,我们应努力创设人才培养的环境,严订人才选拔的标准,优化人才任用的制度。本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,采用文献法、比较法、图表法等研究方法,对南宋闽北进士及相关议题作了较为系统的梳理和论述,探溯其源流走向,把握其动态节律,揭示其内在关系,并力图从中提炼出若干历史启示,以期为今天的教育改革事业服务。

【Abstract】 As a result of the politics and economy, the culture and education, the geographical position and oher factors, the imperial examination of Southern Song Dynasty at the north of Fujian Province was really prosperous, as soon as leaped into the Fujian imperial examination’s developed place. The successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations reach a peak on quantity, are also prominent in the second-rate aspect, have the close connection with the academy lecture, have the deep origin with the family tradition. In the successful candidates of the northern Fujian in the highest imperial examinations -- outstanding person community, some have become the famous teachers or profound scholars or the high-ranking court official ministers , and made the important contributions in the government affairs, literature and history, science and Neo-Confucianism. From beneficial experience of the imperial examination in the north of Fujian Province, we hope to obtain some revelations. We should strive to creating an environment of personnel training, strict standards of the selection and promotion of personnel appointment system.This article takes the dialectical materialism and historical materialism as the instruction, uses research techniques ,such as literature law, comparison test and diagram method, makes more systematic combing and expositions about Minbei’s successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the related subject and elaborates, traces back to its origins and trend, grasps its dynamic rhythm, promulgates its intrinsic relations, and tries hard to refine certain historical enlightenment, hopes to serve the cause of educational reform enterprise today.

  • 【分类号】K245
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