

Communication and Mutual Inspiration between Chinese and Western Theater

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 苏文菁;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 自1907年(清光绪三十三年)中国留日学生团体春柳社在东京演出《茶花女》(第三幕)和《黑奴吁天录》至今,中国话剧已走过风风雨雨百年历程。此时,不应忘记20世纪前半叶进行戏剧交流的人物和事件。“五四”以后,写实主义跃升为中国剧坛引进域外戏剧的主潮,而西方戏剧界却在写实主义推演的极致后转向寻求突破的契机。这就形成了中西方戏剧走向的同步错逆性,从而使双方更加关注彼此,也为彼此艺术典范的转换提供了一种理想镜像。中国留学生意识到中国戏曲的弊端,通过引进话剧、在国内成立剧团、在国内外开展“国剧运动”等活动,探寻戏曲发展的新路子。同时,梅兰芳等人着手进行京剧改革,将戏曲艺术推向中西戏剧文化交汇碰撞的风口浪尖。梅兰芳在张彭春的指导下,于30年代分别到美、苏演出成功,影响并感染了西方大众与布莱希特等戏剧大师。其舞台艺术成为西方戏剧界认识中国戏剧乃至东方戏剧文化的形象符码。20世纪前半叶的中西戏剧交流与启发研究,揭示其成因、发现其特征、作用和影响,有助于我们站在跨文化的角度,了解文化传统、世界文化体系,使世界性文化造福人类。也更加有利于在新世纪进行新的文化变革,为中西文化走向纵深对话提供参考。

【Abstract】 Since 1907 (33 years of Qing Emperor Guangxu) , Chinese students in Chun Liu Community Groups performed《La Dame aux Camellias》(Act III) and " Uncle Tom’s Cabin " in Tokyo. So far, China Drama has been through ups and downs century course. At this point, we should not forget that mutual characters and events in the first half of the 20th century . " May 4th " in the future, realism leap for China Plays introduction of the main stream of extraterritorial drama, but in the theatre sphere and the Western Realism deductions to the limit after seeking a breakthrough opportunity. This formed in the direction of Western Drama wrong inverse synchronous, so that the two sides more concerned about each other, as well as their model for the transformation of the arts provides an ideal image.Chinese students were aware of the drawbacks of Chinese Opera, through the introduction of drama ;the establishment of domestic theatre; at home and abroad in the "national drama movement" , exploring new ways to the development of opera. At the same time, Mei Lanfang and others to proceed with the Peking Opera reform, they pushed Chinese Opera to the tuyere wave of cultural intersection collisions. Mei Lanfang was under the guidance of Zhang Pengchun, Respectively to the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1930s, the performances affected and infected with the Western community, such as Brecht and others. Its performing arts become image code that understanding theatre culture of West and East.First half of the 20th century, the exchange of Chinese and Western Drama and inspiration research, reveals its causes and finds its identity, role and impact, will help us stand on cross-cultural perspective, understanding the cultural traditions, understanding cultural systems. the global culture is good for mankind. Also more conducive to a new cultural change in the new century, in order to provide reference to the cultural depth dialogue.

【关键词】 文化戏剧戏曲话剧陌生化
【Key words】 CultureTheaterOperaDramaEstrangement
  • 【分类号】J809.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】574