

Research on "Shiziban" Campaign in Shandong Liberated Area

【作者】 王团

【导师】 邱永渠;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “识字班”是一种方便农民群众接受识字教育的社会教育组织,是一种非学校性质的教育形式,在我国尤其在山东解放区有着悠久的历史。本文以“山东解放区‘识字班’运动”为题,通过考察山东解放区识字班及其特殊形式——妇女识字班,阐述了山东解放区识字班运动的基本情况,并对其进行了评价,探讨了其在文化、政治、社会等层面上的意义。通过识字班运动,山东解放区对民众实施了全面抗战教育、激发了他们的民族意识、提高了他们的政治觉悟和文化水平,同时将广大妇女从传统封建伦理道德中解放出来,对解放区的风俗、社会风气起到了潜移默化的作用,并有力的配合了解放区各项工作的开展。改革开放三十年以来,我国的社会主义建设有了长足的发展,但是城乡差距还在进一步拉大,这种现象对社会主义新农村及和谐社会的建设将产生不利影响,在新的历史时期,如何才能提高广大农民尤其是农村妇女的文化素质,以促进广大农村社会的发展是摆在各级政府面前的一道难题。山东解放区识字班运动作为一个成功的典范将给我们提供一种很好的借鉴。

【Abstract】 "Shiziban" can be defined as an non-school education form, which was carried out in free time and aimed at teaching masses of peasants. It has long history in China, especially in the liberated area of Shandong.Under the topic of "Research on ’Shiziban’ Campaign in Shandong Liberated Area", this thesis firstly explores the "Shiziban" and the special form of "Shiziban"------"Shiziban" for women, then introduces the general situation of "Shiziban" education,making an objective evaluation of it and discussing its cultural, political, educational, and social significance. Full-scale anti-war education was launched, national consciousness was stimulated, and political awareness and cultural quality were improved through the "Shiziban" Campaign. In the meantime, women were liberated from federal moral principles. All in all, the campaign changed backward prevailing habits and customs and improved common practice.We have achieved a lot in socialist construction since our opening up to the outside word. We also notice that the gaps between country and city. It will be an obstacle to build up a well-off society in an all-round way. In this new historical era, in order to promote social development in countries governments at all levels should pay much attention to improve the cultural quality of the mass peasant especially those women. To certain extent, we can draw lessons from the successful model of "Shiziban" Campaign.

  • 【分类号】K269.6
  • 【被引频次】6
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