

Primary Study on the Morphological Anatomy and Eco-physiological Characteristics of Cyperus Malaccensis Var. Brevifolius

【作者】 黄敏参

【导师】 刘剑秋;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 植物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对咸草(Cyperus malaccensis var.brevifolius)植物进行形态解剖及表皮微形态特征的扫描电镜观察、对该种群的季节性生长动态变化、植物体主要营养成分、总黄酮含量的动态变化和提取工艺、不同土壤溶液电导率(盐度)对咸草植物体主要成分含量的影响进行初步研究,结果表明:咸草植物茎秆表皮气孔密度为10个/mm2、排列方式为纵行排列,与表皮长细胞的长径平行。秆基部有褐色叶鞘所包围,叶鞘顶端具短叶或近于无叶,花的下部有三片轮生的苞片,类似叶的结构。该植物的茎呈绿色,可行使光合作用的功能,根状茎和根具有与水生和沼泽环境相适应的特征:存在于根中皮层内的气腔管道可与该植物的其它器官内的气腔互相贯通,形成一个良好的通气系统,适应生长在湿生的泥沼环境中。成熟果实表面具有网——瘤状纹饰,由瘤状突起及周围的网眼和网脊组成,这些结构是由于果实表面硅酸体的积累的结果。研究显示,果实表面所形成的形态各异、结构复杂、性质稳定的纹饰特征和超微结构,在分类学上具有重要意义。咸草植株高度及种群密度动态变化都呈“S”型曲线,植株高度的最大值为182cm,出现在8月中旬,种群密度在8月份也达到最大值,达到782株/m2。咸草植物体地上和地下部分的生物量均具有明显的季节性动态变化:在生长期内,咸草地上生物量占生物量总量的百分比变化规律为先上升后下降,而地下生物量占生物量总量的百分比是先下降后上升,其季节动态变化均表现为单峰型。咸草植物体地下生物量还具有明显的倒金字塔形的变化特点。咸草植物主要营养成分中,粗蛋白6.33%、粗脂肪9.00%、粗纤维25.86%、总糖3.84%,在所测定的17种氨基酸中,含量较高的是天冬氨酸和谷氨酸,分别占16.02%和13.67%。采用乙醇回流法、超声波提取法及微波提取法制备咸草总黄酮,以确定适宜的提取条件。乙醇回流法提取咸草总黄酮最佳条件:水浴温度90℃、乙醇浓度70%、料液比1∶60、水浴时间2.5h;超声波法提取咸草总黄酮最佳条件:超声波功率400W、乙醇浓度60%、料液比1∶60、超声时间10min;微波提取法最佳条件:60%乙醇,微波时间20s,微波功率540w,料液比1∶70。三种提取方法均适宜,但微波提取法最省时间。通过对咸草植物地上部分总黄酮含量动态变化的测定可见差异较大,在1月份、7月中旬和10月总黄酮含量较高,分别为2.218%、1.898%和1.876%,5月份最低。咸草植物体地上部分和地下部分可溶性糖的含量都随着电导率(盐度)增加呈上升趋势,且在同一地点,咸草植物体地下部分的可溶性糖含量都高于其地上部分;在本实验生境盐浓度范围内,有机酸和脯氨酸含量跟土壤溶液中电导率的高低成正相关,且在同一地点,咸草植物体地上部分有机酸含量会比地下部分略高;无机盐离子K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+的含量随着生境含盐量的不同都有规律性的变化:K+、Na+、Mg2+的含量随着土壤溶液电导率的升高而增加;Ca2+的含量随土壤溶液电导率的升高而减少,而且无机离子含量为K+>Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+

【Abstract】 The paper studied the anatomy structure and the micromorphology of epidermis under SEM,seasonal population dynamics,main nutrient contents,optimization of the technology for extracting total flavonoids and its seasonal dynamics,the influence of different soil solution electrical conductivity to the Cyperus malaccensis var.brevifolius. The main results are as follows:The stomatal density on the stem of Cyperus malaccensis var.brevifolius is 10/mm2,The borehole pattern of stomatal is paracytic type and parallel with the long cell of epidermis.The base of stalk is surrounded by the brown vagina,on the top of vagina,it has short leafs or leafless.Three bracts with the structure similar to the leaf is verticillate below the flower,the stem is green and replace the leaf to carry out the function of photosynthesis,the rhizomes and roots have the characteristics adapt to the environment of marsh and hydrophily:the gas cavity pipelines in the middle cortex of roots may interpenetrate with those of the other organ of the plant,which form a fine breathable system to fit in with growing in wet unprocessed mire environment.The ripe fruits’ surface has reticulate-tuberculate,made up of the tuberculates and the meshes and raphes around them,which is as a result of accumulating of the silica body on the fruit’s surface. Researches show that the micromorphological characters and ultrastructure of fruit coats with different modality,complicated structure and jarless character are considered most valuable in taxonomy.The seasonal dynamic of height and density of Cyperus malaccensis var.brevifolius are "S"curve.The maximal height is 182cm in the middle of August,Population density also reach the maximum with 782/m2 in that month.Both the aboveground biomass and the underground biomass have seasonal dynamics,Seasonal dynamics of percentages of aboveground biomass in total biomass is after rising first descend,On the contrary, seasonal dynamics of percentages of underground biomass in total biomass is after descending first rise,Its seasonal dynamics curve is unimodal.The vertical structure of underground biomass of Cyperus malaccensis var.brevifolius was typical pyramid-shaped. The crude protein is 6.33%,crude fat is 9.00%,crude fiber is 25.86%,total carbohydrate is 3.84%in the main nutritional components of Cyperus malaccensis var.Brevifolius. The contents of Asn and Gln are higher in 17 amino acids studied,they are 16.02%and 13.67%respectively.Circular grain alcohol extraction,Ultrasonic extraction and microwave extraction techniques were applied respectively in the extraction on total flavone from Cyperus malaccensis Lam.var.brevifolius to find the optimum condition.The optimum conditions of ethanol extraction were 70%ethanol,extraction time 2.5 h at 90℃,the proportion of stuff and liquid is 1:60(g/ml).The optimum conditions of ultrasonic wave extraction were 60%ethanol,extraction power 400W,extraction time 10min,the proportion of stuff and liquid is 1:60(g/ml).The optimum conditions of microwave extraction were 60%ethanol,extraction power 540W,extraction time 20s,the proportion of stuff and liquid is 1:70(g/ml).The three ways of extraction were suitable,but the microwave extraction could save much time than the others.The contents of total flavonoid aboveground of Cyperus malaccensis var. brevifolius according to seasonal dynamics were determined.The content of total flavonoid aboveground shows a distinct seasonal dynamics:higher in January,middle in July and October but lowest in May.The soluble sugar content of aboveground and underground has the rising trend as the increase of soil electrical conductivity(salinity).The soluble sugar content of underground part is higher than that of the aboveground part in the same place.The effect of salt stress on content of free proline of Cyperus malaccensis var.brevifolius.Without obvious difference in the experiment salt concentration range.The content of organic acid is positively related to soil electri- cal conductivity,The organic acid content of aboveground part is higher than that of the aboveground part in the same place.The contents of inorganic salt K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+have regularity change with the different habitat saltness.The contents of K+、Na+、Mg2+are increased as the rise of soil electrical conductivity,but the content of Ca2+is decreased as the increase of soil electrical conductivity,Furthermore,the contents of inorganic salt are K+>Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+.

  • 【分类号】Q944;Q948
  • 【被引频次】3
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