

A Research on the Issue of University Student’s Travel in Fuzhou

【作者】 冯兆磊

【导师】 谢红彬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生旅游市场日益重要。福州市大学旅游市场潜力巨大,但是关于福州市大学生旅游市场的研究依然是空白。本论文在总结研究了大学生旅游相关文献后,以福州市8所高校1119位在校大学生为研究对象,通过大学生旅游行为的定性与定量分析,总结出大学生旅游态度、大学生旅游动机,大学生旅游偏好、大学生旅游行为的特征。大学生最主要的三种旅游动机为:求知动机、缓解压力调节心情动机和探亲访友动机。大学生有强烈的出游愿望,最喜欢的旅游资源类型依次是山水风光、民族风情和文物古迹类旅游资源。对大学生旅游行为的分析得出,大学生的经济出游能力较差,只能够承受较少的旅游花销;在出游时间段上多选择暑假和黄金周出行;出游一般与朋友或者家人结伴,很少参加旅行团;大学生选择旅游目的地主要在省内;大学生获取旅游信息的渠道主要是朋友推荐、上网浏览和电视三个渠道;大多数大学生没有关注过旅行社的宣传并随团出游;大学生如果要跟旅行团,最关注的仍然是费用,对旅行社知名度关注较小,市场可塑性大。在分析了大学生旅游市场存在的问题的基础上,提出设立大学生旅游组织管理机构——福州市大学生旅游处,以协调大学生旅游的相关部门。在针对大学生旅游相关部门提出开发大学生旅游市场对策的基础上,最后构思了一个福州市大学生旅游网站,提供了大学生与旅游企业,高校以及旅游相关部门方便快捷交流的平台。

【Abstract】 University student tourism is becoming an important part of tourism market. Their tourist market’s potential is enormous in Fuzhou, but tourist market research to the university students of Fuzhou is a blank.Based on a survey with 1119 samples collected from 8 universities in Fuzhou , we analyzed and concluded the tourist attitude, tourist motive, tourism preference and university students’ travel behavioral characteristic. The three main tourist motives are: Learning motive, alleviated the press motive, visiting friend’s motive.Through our study, we find university students in Fuzhou have very much positive attitude to travel. University student’s favorite tourist resources type are mountain and river scenes, national conditions and customs, and cultural relics and historic sites. Based on the analysis of the university students’ travel behavioral characteristic, we are aware that university students the consuming capacity of the travel is low and their amounts of consumption are less when traveling, so the lower economic ability is the main bottleneck that restrict university student go on a tour.Their travel time is also limited to summer holiday and golden week of May Day. They often accompanied by their friends and relatives when traveling and seldom participate in a group of strangers. The main destination of their travel is within their province. University students can obtain travel information through various channels: relatives and friends’ recommendation, TV set, network, etc. College students have little acknowledge about travel agencies, and if they do travel, their main concern is also travel expenses. They haven’t formed clear brand consciousness, so the travel market has great potential.Based on our analysis about the problem of university students’ travel market, we suggest that we should establish a travel managerial agency, that is, Student’s Travel Department. The purpose of it is to assort with the relative department. The relative travel departments also develop some policies about university students’ travel market, we finally design a website, which provides a platform between university students’s and travel enterprises, universities and relative department. Therefore, they can communicate well with each other.

【关键词】 大学生旅游行为旅游市场福州市
【Key words】 college studenttravel behaviortravel marketFuzhou