

【作者】 朱顺娟

【导师】 郑伯红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,一场以“城市现代化”为目标的城市建设热潮在中国大地上轰轰烈烈地展开,象征着科技进步的高层建筑在其中担当了重要角色,一度成为了城市建设的特征和经济增长的标志。许多城市的原有面貌发生了巨大的变化,数不胜数的摩天楼向世界充分展现了中国城市的新形象。然而,伴随着城市历史特征的消逝、城市品质的不断恶化、城市空间秩序混乱、城市形象千篇一律等系列问题悄然出现,人们正逐步从兴建高层建设的热情中清醒过来,认识到高层建筑数量过多,增速过快,布局无序和风格各异等现象对城市形象造成的不利影响。而如何在城市发展中对城市形象进行控制与引导是一个涉及面广的综合性课题,本文仅聚焦这一课题的其中一部分—高层建筑布局来进行研究,遵循从理论认识到方法建构、实证应用的过程。旨在揭示高层建筑与城市形象的关系,寻求理论根源,以期能对形成城市形象的特色起到点滴启迪和抛砖引玉的作用。本文首先建立起研究城市形象与高层建筑的基本认识与概念,阐述研究背景与意义,概述国内外相关研究;然后界定了城市形象的构成要素,指出了城市形象的作用,阐述了城市形象特征与理想城市形象的特征,构建了城市形象的设计步骤;接着阐述了高层建筑在城市形象的重要地位与作用,提出高层建筑优化城市形象必须遵从与城市空间的协调、与城市历史的延续、与城市自然环境的协调出发;最后以长沙作为分析案例,对长沙形象进行定位,分析了长沙高层建筑建设现状,提出长沙高层建筑的布局应有利于城市空间秩序的组织、应反映区域功能与特征、应加强天际线的组织、应营造适宜开敞空间与街道空间、应有利于历史传统文化的保护、应有利于长沙“山、水、洲、城”城市意象的形成的建议来优化长沙城市的形象。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980s, our country has raised an urban construction upsurge of taking "the city modernization" as the goal. A symbol of technological progress in the high-rise construction which plays an important role has become a feature of the urban construction and economic growth signs. Many of the original cities have undergone huge changes, numerous skyscrapers fully demonstrate to the world a new image of Chinese cities. However, along with the emergence of the issue of the passage of the city historic features, the constant deterioration of the quality of urban, urban spatial disorder and the same city image, people gradually moving from the construction of high-rise buildings in the warm wake up, and realize that the excessive number of high-rise buildings、the fast growth rate, and disorderly and layout of various styles of urban phenomena adverse impact of the city image.And how urban development on the city image and control is a wide range of integrated issues, the thesis focuses only part of this issue—high-rise buildings layout to research, from the theoretical understanding to follow the method of construction, empirical applications process. To reveal high-rise buildings and urban image of the relationship, search for the theoretical causes, with a view to the formation of a city image with a bit of inspiration and guideline role.This thesis studies a city image and high-rise buildings with the basic knowledge of the concept, explains the background and significance of research outlined at home and abroad at first; Moreover, defines the constituent elements of a city image, proposes the role of the city image, on the city image characteristics and the characteristics of an ideal city image, and constructs the design steps of city image; Then on the image of high-rise buildings in the city important position and role, to optimize the image in the high-rise buildings and city space must comply with the coordination of city history and the continuation of coordination with the city natural environment; Finally, taking Changsha as the example, based on the position the image of Changsha, analyzes the high-rise building construction in Changsha, so several measures can be taken to optimize the image of Changsha as follows. High-rise buildings in Changsha should be conducive to the layout of the order of the organization of urban space, should reflect the functional characteristics of the region, should be strengthened skyline from the organization, should be created for open space and streets space, should be conducive to the protection of historical and cultural traditions, and should help to form the image " mountain, water, chau, city " of Changsha.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】596