

【作者】 张豫

【导师】 李铌;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一个有机体的城市,无时无刻不与外界发生着物质能量的交换和自身的新陈代谢,城市更新就是针对城市功能和结构衰退所做的综合性调整。随着全球化经济的不断推进,城市人文环境和软实力成为城市综合竞争力提升的决定性因素,因此除了容易直观感受到的物质和形体更新外,社会经济结构和文化层面的更新起着更加关键的作用。同时,由于城市这个复杂巨系统的有机性和动态性,对其成长和发展的干预必须是全局性的,否则极易导致系统平衡的失调,这一点在我国当前的城市更新中已有很多教训。事实证明只有从战略层面引导城市更新,开拓城市更新的视野和维度,才能建立全面的战略框架和实施方法。国内外有关创意产业推动城市更新的案例很多,但大多从经济学角度阐述创意产业自身的发展,缺乏从城市空间角度的探索。同时,由于创意产业概念的兴起时间较短,其对于城市更新的影响大多局限于“点”,即利用历史文化街区或建筑发展创意产业园,缺乏从宏观层面探索创意产业集群化发展对城市整体更新的影响及意义。因此本文重在探讨以下问题:1)实现城市系统更新的动力因素有哪些。2)如何利用代表城市经济发展方向的产业形态驱动城市更新。3)如何利用创意产业集群化趋势作为城市更新的战略方向和途径。4)创意产业集群化发展对城市更新有哪些具体影响。5)创意产业集群化导向的城市更新模式。针对以上问题,本文研究内容大致分为三个部分:第一部分包括第一章、第二章和第三章,是本文的基础理论部分,综述了城市更新和创意产业的理论背景、发展背景、历程和研究现状,总结出各自的特征和发展规律。第二部分为第四章和第五章,该部分是本文的操作理论部分,论述了创意产业及创意产业集群与城市更新的关系和结合点,从城市局部更新和城市整体更新两个角度论述创意产业集群化导向的城市更新方法。第三部分是第六章,通过对上海市苏州河北岸更新改造的分析,阐述了创意产业及其集群化发展对城市综合竞争力、工业遗产和历史文化街区再生性保护的积极推动作用和实践意义。创意产业集群是21世纪区域经济发展新焦点,代表着城市创新和功能空间转换新方向。其产业空间需求特征对城市空间布局,尤其是城市衰退地区的更新改造有着不可替代的推动作用。本文对创意产业集群化趋势引导的城市更新深入探索,从产业背景、更新条件、动力机制、空间特征等角度研究了创意产业集群化导向的城市更新可行性和创新模式,希望对学科建设和城市更新实践作出积极贡献。

【Abstract】 As an organism,city exchange its substance and power with exterior incessantly,and urban renewal is the synthesis adjustability for urban ebb of fuction and structure. The renewal of socioecnomic and culture is the key ingredient for Urban development compare with physical renewal. The culture enviroment and soft-power have been a decisive factor for a city under the background of globalism.Otherwise,because city is a huge dynamic system,the intervention for its development should be synthetical,or a system-unbanlance will be happen,there are too many failure urban renewal experience passing by. Only the strategic approach urban renewal and extand the view of urban renewal,the strategic structure and operable way can be built.Based on this background,its not an accident for the conception of creative industry and its bloom.No matter from the trend of scocial consume or the furture global commerce,creative industry is a star for the continuable development of urban economy.Also,its spacia1 and layout characteristic are compatible to the requirment of society,economy and space in urban renewal,and show a new direction and way for urban renewal.There are many case about urban renewal drove by creative industry,but most of the reserch emphasis the development of creative industry from ecnomics. And more,the conception of creative industry created recently,it only infect the "points" of city,develop creative indutrial park utilize historcal streets or buildings viz.The reserch that how creative industry infect urban renewal from macro-side is lacking.So,the emphasize of this thesis is to hunt for the answer of theundering questions: 1)What’s the dynamic factor driving urban renewal. 2)How to drive the urban renewal by ultilize the industry which deputy the furture of city economy. 3)How the creative industry be the direction and approach of urban renewal. 4)What’s the idiographic infection in a creative industrial-led urban renewal. 5)If there are some mordens for the creative industrial-led urban renewal.Contraposed to the upward questions,this thesis list 3 parts:the first part includ the anterior 3 chapters,its the academic basement of the thesis,it sums up the background, course and research situation of urban renewal and creative industry, and the bottleneck of each. The second part is chapter 4,its the thesis’ core chapter,discuss the linking point of creative industry and urban renewal, explor the mutual benefit relation from aspects of indusrial structure,urban culture,urban image and urban recreational space,etc.The last part is chapter 5, based on 3 cases home and abroad,expatiate the process of creative industry and its clustering trend,that impactfully drive the development of urban synthetical competitive status and the adaptive reuse of urban historical and cultural heritage,and sums up the problems and revelations in pratice.

【关键词】 城市更新创意产业战略文化
【Key words】 urban renewalcreative industrystratagemculture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU984.114
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1178