

【作者】 凌孟良

【导师】 胡东滨;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对中联重科薪酬与绩效管理现状进行调研分析,结合工程机械行业主要厂家绩效管理现状,有针对性的对中联重科的薪酬与绩效管理体系存在的问题进行深度分析,运用绩效管理的基本原理与主要方法,包括KPI关键指标法、平衡记分法、360度绩效考核法、等级评定法、强制分步法等,对中联重科的绩效管理体系进行优化。优化后的薪酬与绩效管理体系考虑了我国工程机械主要厂家、湖南省与长沙市职工收入水平,为每一位员工制定有效的薪酬职层与绩效目标,使战略、职位与人合为一体,通过绩效目标的制定使公司的战略目标层层传递;增强了效益观念,突出绩效导向,确认员工的工作成就,改进员工的工作方式,调动员工的积极性,提高公司的工作效率和经营效益;强调绩效反馈面谈与绩效应用,绩效考核结果的应用作为调动员工工作积极性的重要手段,绩效考核结果除了奖励和惩罚等管理用途外,还应用在改进工作绩效、薪酬奖金的分配、职务调整和是否继续留用、培训与再教育、员工职业规划发展等方面。优化后的薪酬与绩效管理体系的试行、改进和完善,该体系已得到部门及员工的认可,增强了企业人才引进的吸引力与竞争力,提高了部门及员工的执行力,创建了一个公平、公正、公开的工作氛围,大大促进了部门工作效率的提高,形成了具有中联特色的绩效管理文化。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, we have investigated the system of performance and salary management of Zoomlion and considered the condition of other main engineering machine companies. And we have deeply analyzed the problem to the system. Using the basic principles of performance management and the main methods, such as KPI, Balanced Scorecard, 360-Degree Performance Feedback, Grading Evaluation, and Mandatory Points footwork, we refined the system of performance and salary management of Zoomlion.We have considered the condition of other main engineering machine companies, and considered the income level of officers and workers in Changsha, Hunan in the new system. We have drawn up the valid salary structure and performance targets for each employee to make strategy, post matched and person for the integral whole and to make the strategic target of company delivered. The new system is made, strengthening performance idea, outstanded performance direction, confirmed the employee’s achievement, improved the employee’s work method, transferred the employee’s aggressive, raised work efficiency and management performances of our company. The new system of performance and salary management emphasizes performance feedback talks and its application, which is an important means to transfer employee work aggressive, representing the principle of encouraging the forerunner and urging the juniors. In addition to reward and punishment, the performance result still apply in the aspects of improving the performance, distributing the cash award, adjusting the position, deciding whether continue to stay to use, train and educate again, and the occupation programming develop of employee and so on.By trying refining and improving, this system has already got the approbation of section and employee. It has strengthened attraction and competition abilities of our enterprise that talented person rusher in, raised the execution of section and employee, established an open, fair and just atmosphere, promoted section work efficiency consumedly, and come to have performance management features of Zoomlion management culture.

【关键词】 薪酬绩效管理体系构建
【Key words】 salaryperformance managementsystem set up
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】F272;F426.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】461