

Programming and Realization on Prediction of Coal-mining-induced Subsidence

【作者】 龚声胜

【导师】 曾永年;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 资源环境遥感, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于煤矿开采导致的矿区地面沉陷、塌陷和山体开裂等地质环境破坏及其诱发的地质灾害,已经成为影响煤矿生产与安全、矿区陆面变化与生态环境,制约煤矿区经济、社会可持续发展的重要因素。在采前对采煤沉陷进行准确预计,是限制开采、控制采煤沉陷的前提。为此,加强对开采沉陷规律的研究具有重要理论与现实意义。论文的主要工作及结论如下:地表沉陷预计系统将开采沉陷预测理论与地理信息系统相集成,用于研究和预测煤矿开采导致的矿区地面沉陷,是确保煤矿开采、安全生产的重要技术手段之一。本文基于现有系统现状分析,以数字矿山专业GIS平台lrgis3.0为基础,以多种变形预测模型为手段,研建了一个基于概率积分法、负指数函数法和威布尔分布法的地表变形计算与预计原型系统。该系统具有较为广泛的适应性,能够应用于不同地质构造环境。系统在枣庄矿业集团某矿区的应用,准确地预计了该矿区域岩层与地表及地表建筑物沉陷规律。研究结果为矿区的生产设计提供重要的参考依据。研究与实践结果表明,该系统在生产实际过程中应用良好,适合于我国各类矿山的实际情况,有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 The coal mining causes hazards of geological environment such as land surface sinking, fault and fracture of the ground. These coal-mining-induced subsidence has become one of important factors that are affecting coal mine safety, land surface ecological environment and sustainable socio-economic development in coal mining areas. The precise prediction of coal-mining-induced subsidence is significance in coal mining. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows:The spatial prediction analysis system of the subsidence is required by safety coal mining. Therefore, it is important to design system for predicting coal-mining-induced subsidence, which is integrated by the theory of coal-mining-induced subsidence and geographic information system. Based on analysis of existing systems, this paper designed the prediction system of the subsidence using three mining subsidence theories and Lrgis software. The system has extensive adaptability and can be used in different geological environment.The system was used in a mine area and predicted mining subsidence as well as building movement and distortion on land surface. The results provide a theoretical basis for coal mining in the study area.The system and its application show that it can supply technical support for the prediction and control coal-mining-induced subsidence in mines with different geological environments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TD325
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】345